Rejected by Newly Found Half-Brother Before He even Gets to Know Me, The Trendy Bookstore Café & Attending The Retro Cartoon Parade

Date: 8/18/2018

By fluffytree

I just happened to be at my great grandmother's old house in Alabama having stopped with my grandmother, mother, brother, and his fiancee. What I did not know is that I would surprisingly meet my half brother from my father's side. I haven't seen him since my mom left him when I was 3 and who knows if he ever had any other kids afterwards but I've always wondered. Well in this dream it is quickly confirmed that this guy is my brother. He's around my age but maybe younger by a few years and is also part Indian. So I'm guessing his mother is Indian then too. He has a wife too and seems to be rather accomplished in life. He also has an Indian accent so I take it his mom must've left my dad too very early on and taken her son back to India. Anyway we don't speak for very long. He says to my face that he wants nothing to do with me because of my criminal record. Well truthfully I have been arrested once back in 2012 for trespassing in an abandoned school with my friend while taking pictures and we were put in a jail cell for not more than 90min, but they realized how ridiculous it was that we were there and let us go with no charges. So if my new brother is speaking about this then wow. I try and explain to him that I have no record and the arrest was really silly, just some bored gung-ho cops trying to get anybody on anything that day, but he puts his hand up signaling that he doesn't care to listen. He would rather believe his narrative that I'm a hardened criminal beyond redemption. It makes me sick how my own brother would throw me away like this and makes me think of my father who didn't care to really come looking for us once me and my mom left him. I got mad and told him whatever and to leave. Then I yelled how we don't need to have a relationship anyway so let's just be done with it. It hurt to say and I didn't want to be done, but I was tired of being rejected and treated like scum. He and his wife left and that was that. I wanted to punch something but ended up kicking some wheelbarrow on the lawn before going inside. Moments later my regular brother's fiancee came in and put on a DVD of old 'Martin' episodes which made me feel a little better, but I couldn't help but feel isolated again and to start thinking how all throughout my life I always end up alone in one way or another. Sometimes I drift from other people and sometimes it's the other way around but the outcome is the same. I have a few close online friends that mean the world to me and I'm thankful for, but I've never met them irl and it's not the same as having a friend in person. In my next dream I ended up at some trendy bookstore that was also a Cafe. It had very low lighting to set the mood and lights that were blue and red but you could still barely see. The bookstore part of it was rather scant too as there where only corner shelves of books in the corners. I could hear small groups of people around me but couldn't really see them and this made me uncomfortable. I walked through but ended up leaving shortly afterwards. I then found myself at my new house, or what was supposed to be my new house only it was in a totally different location and was very different on the inside too. For one the property was in the middle of a field of tall yellow grass with plains spread out in the distance, but then when I'd go to the front of the house on the patio I saw an ocean with big waves right in front of it. The waves were so big they'd many times spill onto the patio. It was just confusing, but at least it was a very spacious place surrounded by ocean and trees. The dream jumped into another scene all of a sudden where my sister and I were attending a parade where a bunch of classic cartoon characters were on display in costume. One of them looked really familiar like a kid version of Popeye and Dennis the Menace mixed, but I couldn't place who he was. It really may have been a literal mish-mash of the two but he would run throughout the rest of the cast there challenging people to fights saying "Lemme at 'em! Lemme at' em!" while raising his fists. It was pretty funny. Then he would engage in 3 Stooges type humor where he'd slap some guys around and cause mischief. I woke up laughing actually, something I haven't done in awhile.