Date: 7/11/2018
By space_tubbs
i was at school and I suppose it was the first day back since people were running up to others and greeting them. I walked down the hallway and saw J, except he didn’t look like him. There was something off about him. I think he looked more happy and alive than he usually does? Which isn’t a bad thing but it seemed like J was a completely other person. I don’t even talk to him or anyone else and just walk home. On my way home I see J on a bus, but he’s wearing different clothes and actually looks like himself. I try to chase after the bus but my short legs can’t run fast. also when I arrived at my house my dad, told me that there’s an emergency and that we have to leave. I don’t remember who came with us but it was my dad, me, a woman with s baby, and 3 others. We were trying to run out of the country because there was a virus outbreak that was infecting everyone. We couldn’t be seen in a car since we would most likely get hunted down, (apparently the woman with the baby was being hunted by others so she was on the run?) so we decided to go on on foot. 3 of the other people got killed and the rest of us had to keep going. At one point I was left completely alone with a baby and this dream began turning into a nightmare. I luckily woke up and didn’t have to experience the rest of this dream