Extreme Rollercoaster with Bube

Date: 12/8/2018

By keikodreams

Dream starts with me and Bube in the giant open field home to like the largest roller coaster on Earth. Happens to be right next to an airport. This roller coaster is a 2 people ride so we both get on it. Immediately as we’re on it, we begin to argue. Same petty arguments that we have in person. But I can’t understand why now. This roller coaster is extremely dangerous. It’s extremely fast, extremely high, and extremely long in terms of duration. And, there’s a significant duration of the ride that has you airborne and the worst part is: you’re not strapped in and you just have to hold on for dear life. Despite us arguing the ride is very thrilling but I can’t help but worry about my grandmas safety. She’s still arguing with me while on this dangerous ride so that ruins my experience it just becomes an anxiety ride for seemed like 10 min. At least the scenery was beautiful and the wind rushing against my face seemed so real. We’re twisting and turning, going upside down, shooting straight up, and at the very end we both become airborne on these little mini glider planes. We fly down to the field where many people await us and everyone else after us. For some reason Ms. Cannon is there waiting for me. As I was looking for Bube, my dumbass manager called me and I woke up!!!!