Date: 1/22/2019
By beewags88
I was at a neighbors house watching fireworks. We were all sitting on his steps even though he didn’t like ha and wasn’t a nice neighbor, for whatever reason he let us sit on his steps. Kylie Jenner was there and wouldn’t put clothes on. (Wtf?) His relatives came downstairs and asked us if he told us he made pizza. We said no and they showed us it. We saw our neighbor in someone else’s house with a gun so we left. We went a few houses down and ran into old friends. My bestfriend growing up, Jeremy. We decided to go to a bar. His wife randomly grabbed me and gave me a hickey and when we were inside the bar she kept trying to finger me. He said she was just really sexual when drinking. Then we went into my old church where we both went to preschool and looked around. Then I woke up...