Digital art, A plump young girl with short hair from Minecraft appears to haunt a terrified person in their home, eventually causing their parents to believe them after a series of horrific events.

met a girl on minecraft who ended up being a demon and haunting me

Date: 3/18/2022

By kkthedreamer

basically, yeah, she was a girl my age maybe a bit younger with short hair and kinda plump and we met on minecraft. and she got really attached to me i guess and then she started haunting me in my house and it was really scary. i was playing minecraft on a laptop in my room and i told her i was tired and wanted to get off but then i couldn’t shut off my computer at all and i realized it was because of her. then i told her i was gonna leave my room and she was like “good luck with that, there’s bloody people in the hallway” and i was really confused and then i peeked through the crack in my door and there was a pile of bloody, dying people crawling around in the hallway outside my room. i was like WTF. it was so creepy. then she did a bunch of other scary stuff that i don’t remember, but one of them was that she splattered blood on my face. at some point the bloody people were gone and i ran out to the balcony but the living room was dark and empty. so then i waited there, face still bloody, hoping my parents would wake up and see me there somehow. but they didn’t wake up, so i woke them up myself and they were just laughing and didn’t believe me about everything that happened. but then the demon girl did something to them too and then they believed me. and yeah

AI generated interpretation Based on your dream, it seems that you are experiencing fear and anxiety in your waking life. The girl on Minecraft may represent a new relationship or a new interest that you have developed in your life. This new relationship may seem attractive and intriguing but it has an underlying dark or negative side that is slowly manifesting. The aspect of her being a demon and haunting you may symbolize the fear of being trapped or attacked by something that seems harmless at first. The laptop and the room you were in could represent your sense of safety and comfort in your current situation. However, you feel as though someone is trying to take control over your comfort zone and is not going to let you go easily. The pile of bloody, dying people in the hallway represents the fear of losing control over the situation entirely. It might feel that you are facing a dark and painful situation that you cannot get out of, and it is causing you a lot of distress. The idea of waiting for your parents' help represents the need for support and help from others in your waking life. However, the fact that they did not believe you at first might indicate that you do not feel heard or supported by the people around you. Overall, this dream seems to be pointing towards your subconscious mind's anxieties and fears about your current situation. It could suggest that you need to pay attention to the darker side of things and be cautious and aware of any signs of negative influences or relationships.