small dreams within a dream

Date: 12/13/2016

By popcorngoo

I can't remember my dream in a very linear sense, just pockets of moments. One part of the dream I was doing dishes and the cleaning maintenance lady at my work poured a whole bucket of water into the dish washer and I remember I looked up at her and said sorry. Idk why cuz the water slish-sloshed around all over the floor because of her. Another pocket of a dream was that I was a very pretty blonde girl living in a seriously poor neighborhood with lots of Mexicans. And one Mexican boy I guess liked me/didn't like me because he tried to rape me. But as we were struggling he backed me up into our house and into my room that I shared with my sister. She was Mexican too (maybe half?) and she was kind of evil? But she really liked me. We bonded together as sisters, so she just sat there on the top of our bunk bed with an evil smile on her face as the guy who was trying to rape me paused a little to look at her. I think I remember him saying you wanna join bitch? Or gtfo. And then he kept shoving me around, trying to take my clothes off. My sister continued to just smile evilly as she somehow kicked the door open in our house where my dad was in this dream. Apparently my dad was also an evil son of a bitch because I remember (in this dream) that he beat us senselessly all the time. So when my dad saw some punk ass kid in his house he flipped shit and practically killed this guy in front of us. And now moving on to the final pocket of a moment dream, I was in school. It's not like regular school though. I think it was futuristic because we were way high up in the sky like the jetsons. I remember being separated into four groups for like a recess type thing. One group for recess got to dance. Another group got to basically have band practice. I forget what the other group did but I think it was sports related. And then there was my group which did nothing. Idk if we didn't qualify for those other groups or what but we had to sit in a room til recess was over. I remember it bothered me how I couldn't be out there with the others playing and doing stuff. I wanted to be a part of the band group so badly! Nobody in my group cares really. They were all apathetic and were actually happy staying in this room doing nothing. I remember Chris Pratt was in my dream. He was the only other one who was bored to tears being in this room and wanted to have fun and do stuff. We kinda teamed up and tried to get people to join in and play games. I remember flirting and having a good time with him. :) I also remember thinking omg star lord is my classmate. Lol. And I think we made plans to escape the room, but my dog woke me up before we could actually do anything about it. :(