Going on a hike and getting almost bound to a castle by an owl

Date: 7/1/2023

By Ether_Erebus

I don’t remember all of the dream, but I do remember this part. For some reason I’m travelling in a car alone and I am travelling along a very scenic route. I’m driving along a very large body of water and it’s super bright and it’s happy and it looks like there’s a beach coming up. In the car, there’s no one else with me, but I have my windows down and I’m wearing shorts and a bra. I’m listening to music, I have a bag with clothes and water bottles. I see a tunnel area where everyone is parked. I grab a zipper sweater and pop it over my bra because I’m insecure and I take my phone to go make a video of the area. It’s this beautiful beach with this one stone crest for people to sit on. And past the beach which is on the right, is a pathway carved out of the stone that takes you to this one castle on the hill far down from the beach. I find a spot and ask if I can take a quick seat for a minute, the girls to the left of me say yes and the guys to the right also say yes. I grab my phone and start making a video of the beach turning into the water and it’s all blue and melding together, the white guy beside me says something funny and I catch it on camera. I laugh and get up and go back to my car. Then, I somehow I end up at the castle. There’s an event happening of some sort and I feel very under dressed for it, so I walk up the stairs where there’s no people and it opens to this one door that leads out to this balcony that outlooks the entire beach where I was before. It’s so beautiful and sunny, I decide to take a moment and just stand at the threshold and lean against it. There’s no one else there and I’m at peace. Then, a minute later, an owl comes flapping its way towards me, and it’s coming at me full force but I’m not afraid, I put out my hand to slow it down and it comes and perches on this iron bar to my left. I try to turn and leave and it grabs onto my shoulder and somehow has grown substantially in size. I turn and let it lead me to outside on the balcony and it hops to my right and stares at me expecting me to listen or do something. I then feel the presence of another person behind me, and it’s a woman who’s decked out to the nines who I saw before. She’s looking at me with a hollow look in her eyes (she looks like Lilith from Sabrina). She sees the owl and sighs and sits down beside me. No one said a word, but then the owl screeched a little grabbing my attention and at some point it hands me a stick it wants me to draw/write with in the sand pit beside me and between the owl. I grab it and somehow I can understand what it’s saying just by looking at it and the lady continues to sit beside me and tell me details on certain things I’m confused about. I sit and draw about two panels of stuff, mimicking some of the stuff the owl drew for me and I realize something is very very wrong here. An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach and the lady knows this, there is some sort of binding happening between whoever rules over the owl, the owl and me. I’m being bound to the castle some way and it’s not good. The lady calls over the owl and he happily trots over and she pulls out a string as she’s talking to the owl and puts it around the owl and her wrist and lets me walk away, knowing she did that for me to escape. I turn around as the owl is busy and hightail out of there. Now that I know something is wrong, I’m desperately trying to look for a way out and it keeps getting harder and harder to get out. At some point, I end up in someone’s room and ask to use the bathroom. There, I find the Lilith looking lady come after me into the bathroom and give me a necklace to wear. It’s very large and opulent but she ensures me it’ll be fine because I’d seen the bad side. There’s a flash to a lady who has burn marks all along her neck and travelling down her chest with an amulet she stole/is wearing from the castle and it’s looking like it’s burning her skin. She says she’s fine but everyone around her doesn’t think so. There’s then a flashback sort of thing of the amulet being rubbed and shined by this blue paste that’s glowing. I come back into the room adjacent to the bathroom and there’s a Doberman now growling at me. I calmly make my way into the bathroom and lock the door behind me, it’s still barking and somehow makes it through the door, so I go to the other side door of this shared bathroom and go to leave and get out, trapping the dog inside. I walk out of the room and down the steps, passing everyone and still wearing the necklace. I make it down to the main floor and realize the castle is basically like a huge convention centre parsed apart into very opulent displays of wealth. There’s a bar that spans a ballroom, beside that is a ballroom of people at a white and black event, beside that is people doing another very vintage inspired event and to my right, there’s a huge Costco looking store (but it’s all dark and has like blue/purple lights to make the ambiance different) everything you could think of. It’s basically consumerism and making important that what people see you as matters more than what you think of yourself. I make my way out and run to my car, and then I woke up. I feel like I’ve had parts of this dream before, where I was feeling dread and everyone else was happy but I don’t remember all of it. This was some thing new.