Date: 11/23/2019
By ace200
I was in my college dorm I think, when my roommate came in. Somehow we got to the topic of how we haven’t been getting along and she confessed that she hated my guts and wishes she was never paired with me. She said I was stupid and a perfectionist, never partying or ever having a good time. She left, and I was about to start crying. My friend DV was really supportive and telling me to calm down. I went to fine our residence advisor, telling others what happened, but all of the girls in the hall seemed to agree with my roommate. I ran away and started exploring the building. I found myself in this basement where you were in a transparent ball in the floor. You had to climb into it, and it looked down into a nature scene as if I was actually there. I started losing my balance because the ball was shifting as we seemed to be flying over a city and mountains. I wondered if all this time the campus was inside of an airplane. Did the pilot fly really smoothly up until now, as I’d never noticed it before? I was really scared because the ball was transparent, and I was worried it would break when I fell to the side as the “plane” moved. I got out of there. I remember then coming back together with DV and I think FR, and we were looking for something. It was like we were on a mission, and we had to get something. We went to the library and I found a bunch of my old high school friends there. I kind of remember us turning into anime characters, shifting from people into legos and then animated beings. We were characters from the anime “Angel Beats!” And the character Angel handed me a folder of papers with the word “files,” written on it. She said I would need them on my mission. The dream kind of switched and I was still on a mission, but it was kind of weird. I didn’t look like myself- I was older with dark hair and apparently a mother to a son. I had a husband and a friend with me. We were in this ice age world looking for our son and his group of friends. The world was weird though, because it was all just ice blocks everywhere. You would look out and just see a horizon of ice that stretched forever, and then it was snowing. Gravity was weird here, to get anywhere you had to walk down the sides of these ice blocks, which were huge. You looked down the side and you couldn’t see what was at the bottom because it became fog. We saw odd cracks in the ice and began to follow them. I was so scared to walk sideways on the ice because what if it didn’t work at I fell? I remember we came across these ballerinas having a rehearsal on the ice, and we had to deceive them for something. We used our friend and pretended he was a dancer as he interfered in the dance. When they stopped the routine, we said he was a part of the show, and then we laid out a long stretching red rug that went on for a while in the middle of their dancing space. It turned into the ocean and our sun had to run across the water on the rug to get to us on the shore to be reunited.