Two Faced Bitch Gets Yeeted Out of Existence

Date: 3/11/2021

By SagittariusDreamer

Robbie and girlfriend move next door Really mean after visit We broke in house Kids there They came home Winston locked them out We run through back door Kids come back a few times; 2 girls, 2 boys I go over now and again to hang out with the kids I go over one day Tenisha comes over; greets me happily Steve comes in with brown and purple extensions Steve breaks one of the statuettes on the shelf Then another And another Robbie holds two of them tight Steve has a clay statue of Robbie's wife that has two faces (for obvi reasons) Steve asks him if he'd rather keep his wife or siblings ( the two statues). Robbie smashes the two faced statue himself They try to bring back sibling but it's too late Later I'm on a bus with a bunch of kids. They give us bowls of fries, and there's a ketchup chute. We pass by this gorgeous sky/ water view. I ask kid next to me to take the pic for me. Camera goes into selfie mode It's all black, but there's vague splotches of red where we should be. He hesitantly gives me the phone back, lowkey terrified. ------------------------------------------------------- Like any ordinary day of the month, I started bleeding. It sucked ass because I had plans for the week, but now they were cut short until mid-next week. Bummer. I tried to put a tampon in (in front of everyone of course because dreams like to make me uncomfortable). The tampons had no plastic casing, so I kinda had to just try to stuff it in as-is. The first one unfurled itself into a cotton-y mess, but I was able to get the second one in. Later that day, the formerly known bitches show up: My mom's ex, Rob, and his two-faced ass girlfriend (whose name I don't know so I'm gonna call her Shandra). We left on bad terms with him after he graciously took both of us off his prison visitation registry in exchange for having his new girlfriend up there instead. They had also brought all four of their children (none of which exist in real life as far as I'm concerned, they only have one child). With all that being said, they were moving in a few doors down and wanted to visit us. My mom and her boyfriend (a former friend of Rob's), let them in with relative ease and... talked. I assume they talked, I was pretty busy making sure the boys stayed upstairs so my dog wouldn't eat them. We'd ran upstairs after beast had turned from a pit to a Rottweiler and I didn't recognize that he was my dog. Shortly after we went upstairs though, Rob and Shandra left angrily and took all of their kids home. I didn't know why they were angry, but I'd assumed some nasty words were said. The Next Day, we (Mom, her bf, and I) broke into their house. Well, to be fair, we didn't 'Break In'. I'm sure the kids just let us in, but we weren't supposed to be there. We were about to leave when we saw Rob and Shandra's wife approaching the door. We couldn't see their faces on account of the glass of the door being opaque, but we figured it was them. Quickly, moms boyfriend locked the door from the inside, and I could see Rob was confused. Mom's bf told us to hurry to the kitchen to go through the backdoor. And we did. But the door was blocked by a large shelf and a trashcan wedged between it. Frustrated, I pulled out the trashcan and my mom and I went out to the backyard looking around for a way to get out. Eventually, we got out of the backyard and just went down to our own, moms bf not far behind. Throughout the next few days, the kids and I were back and forth at each others houses. I had started going over to their house since it was too dangerous for the kids to be at mine because of the dogs. Rob and Shandra never made any moves to kick me out, as I was very respectful and was there to occupy their children's time since they had no friends yet around this area. One day when I came over, I was surprised to see one of my cousins, Tanya, walk through the door. She gave me a big hug. After her came Steve, another cousin's former step father, donning long brown braids with the occasional purple braid instead of his usual buzzcut. He also looked... Upset, in an angry yet stoic way. It wasn't long after his arrival that he went over to a rectangular shelf that held statuettes, then started slamming them on the ground and shattering them. I jumped from the second impact on the floor, confused about what was happening. All of a sudden, Rob was holding two statuettes to his chest and Steve was holding a clay mask which was split in the middle and had a face on either side on the front. It looked like Shandra. Steve asked Rob if he'd rather save his wife or his siblings, and Rob grabbed Shandra's clay mask, slamming it to the ground himself and shattering it. Shandra disappeared without a word. A portal opened up, and inside stood human versions of the statuettes, his siblings. They looked hesitant though, as if it was too late for them to come back. Not knowing the ultimate outcome, my dream switched settings. Sometime in the future, I was sitting on a school bus with a bunch of kids. They talked about regular kid stuff, FNAF, Minecraft, favourite YouTubers, all that Jazz. They gave us bowls of french fries with extra toppings of some sort, and there were ketchup chutes to get it to us quicker. I looked outside and spotted the most gorgeous scene ever. We were driving over a bridge, and the sky and the water looked perfect for taking pictures. The kid next to me was pretty chill, so I asked him to take a picture for me. He agreed, and I turned on my camera. It automatically went to selfie mode, and it was all black except for red demonic looking splotches where our bodies would've been. He saw this and hesitated, declining the offer. And that's where the dream ended!