
Date: 2/14/2017

By sadinarus

So i was in school and i left my Ap Lang class and went to go see my boyfriend. And i seen he was with this girl that likes him, and i got mad and so when i finally got him to myself he was in a hurry to leave and i got even madder. So i left him and went back to class with my face all frowned up. He was walking behind me but to his class instead so everyone see me and him walking since the room we were in is all glass. My friend Araziel asked something about him, i smiled but i was so mad i didnt really wanna engage in conversation. Then class was finally over Araziel, me and najae went to the english office and Araziel said she wanted Najae to get eaten out but instead of saying that she just made the slupring sound effects. i remember some time in the dream i stuck up my middle finger at the girl that likes my boyfriend, but i can't remember the rest. The End