Date: 5/8/2020
By NathanPrescott
I had a crazy dream last night. I was kind of a bad guy in that particular dream. This dream took place in different locations. To start things off, I met some guy at a local coffee shop in Canada. It’s the same exact Tim Hortons where I go all the time. Vlog there too. Btw it’s a location that exist in real life and this dream happened there. So this random guy, we happen to have a little fight. I do not know why we would fight in the first place but we just had a small fight. I ended up stabbing him to his chest with a straw. That’s right. A straw. Some blood had appeared which seeped through his white innocent tshirt. I freaked out and I had an adrenaline rush. I ran in panic as I got so scared having no clue how to approach this situation. So I didint think much of it. I continued dreaming other stuff that I sadly wasn’t able to recall. Smh. All I can remember after that situation was that I explored an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. Then another part I really really remember was that I ended up at the same coffee shop again. Stopping and taking a seat, as I stood up one time, I heard lots of people talking outside the coffee shop. It was during the afternoon. Then I knew my fate. I then saw red and blue flashing lights. Crap. It’s the police. Alright, time to turn myself in. I heard the cops saying something like this: “ok he’s coming outside”. I then came outside the shop with my hands up in the air, crying. The cops put me in handcuffs. I’m doomed. Following that, I realized that I did not cause any serious injury to the random person, and that it was a small crime I committed. Don’t worry, the guy I hurt with a straw recovered after a couple weeks from what I learned following the incident. The cops let me go, but told me I have to go to trial. I was scared to go to trial. I was only young. And I never had done anything bad like this before. I asked for advice somehow to a counsellor, a black lady that was familiar somehow. She said that you should go to trial, and say that I myself was scared of the situation (something like that, not 100% exact) and that I had to report the next time. My trial was scheduled whenever I decided to go. Whenever I feel like it. I showed up to court. The courtroom was tiny. It had just me sitting in a chair, and a long wooden table with the judge. It looked like a principal’s office. Unfortunately, I did not recall what happened in the tiny courtroom nor the consequences I received. That is all I can remember.