Syrian gun fight: Death & Rape

Date: 11/15/2016

By Norswil

I'm in a dessert village, in a gun battle. Looks like a scene you see on the news out of Syria. Crawling slowly through the sand, i see Middle Eastern looking guys shooting. Wearing thoebs on their heads and shooting automatic weapons, handguns. A few off the decks of trucks. It's loud and people are dying everywhere, all around me. Clutching a handgun, I crawl on my belly on the left side of the road, right up against the clay buildings. I think to myself 'i'll have a better chance of survival keeping to the side here' i crawl on. I get to a part in the road that opens up to my left. I turn the corner and see a grassy field fenced with a short, white picket fence. Still on my stomach i crawl to the fence and look through. I see a man walking in my direction! 'He'll find me!' I thought. So i quickly put my handgun through the fence, trying to shot the man. 2 shots miss him, at point blank, should have hit him! The dream had been first person the whole time but now it zooms out, i can see myself, i get onto my knees... only it isn't me now, it's a man with curly, dark, orange hair. He'a begging for his life now, pleading. The approaching man walks up with a smile and points his handgun at his chest. All of a sudden a woman runs out of a nearby building, shrieking, begging the man to stop. He pulls the trigger and shots him through the chest. Dead. He now points the gun at the woman. She falls to her knees, sobbing, hands together in a mixture of prayer and pleading. He approaches her and gently touches her face, down her tear washed cheeks, tracing her jaw line with a finger. She tries a nervous smile, turning her face up to look at him. Trying to find a scrap of mercy, maybe use his lust to her advantage. He tucks the gun away, rips her clothes off and rapes her on the spot. When he's done he gets up and walks off. She lays there crying in the street, in the sand. Notes: i usually have a lot of conversation in my dreams but not a word was spoken in this one. Only thoughts. Also, my dreams aren't always so violent and raw, but when they are they can be quite intense.