Date: 12/27/2020
By keljefe
I was enrolled in what seemed like high school again. Sad my first class of the day finished I decided to go home. My car was in the classroom and everyone had fallen asleep for somer reason. So I drive away and meet up with Brian.. Were went on to the creek which was significantly soccer and know complex than usual. Julio and yajirobi were looking for the dragon balls. We found some and hid them from the baddies. Brian and I left and I proceeded to a small tree park in my neighborhood. Also I have the feeling we weren't even living in Tahoe anymore. Anyway on my way to the park I remembered that John had mentioned the park to me before. The park was fenced in by one of those short wire fences but the entrance had a bigger fence for some reason. I was alone so I kind of felt like a loner but the place was small so it was okay. There were small outdoor exhibits outside but in the middle of them was a small cabin. Threeish stories tall but it wasn't very wide in any direction. It seemed as if there was an event going on because there were some people dressed very nicely and there was wait staff too. I was talking around and saw a very pretty blond girl as I entered the cabin. She was with some friends and was walking in the opissite direction. Inside was a bit mazelike. The cabin was alot larger on the basement levels as it looked like that's where the maintenance stuff was as well as the kitchen. I tried to avoid going somewhere I wasn't permitted to enter. As I looked at the smaller exhibits I noticed the girl again. Presumably, she parted from her group and was as lost as I was. Since we were both alone in that area she approached me and we made small talk. Obviously a dream like situation because I'm ugly as sin. There was another part where my dad and I were driving around the neighborhood but our chevy Tahoe was acting up. It was really dark and I think there were trick or treaters out at the time too. That's it.