Mechanical Whale

Date: 1/11/2020

By VastExtent

Dream that i was in a kayak in the ocean when me and some random people that were considered my friends in the dream were swallowed by a giant whale that looked mechanical. As we went to the inside of it it turned out to be like a house on the inside. There was one strange room were it turned to black and white and only poker cards with hearts and diamonds had color, The. for some reason we had real life YuiGiO cards and placed them down and then passed out. We woke up and then another group of people were swallowed and it was a group of gangsters, they tried to fight us at first but became friends. Then the ship stopped working and we met the operator who was a fat neck beard that said he got it from his dad and wanted to drive it. Then we had to try and float to land and somehow ended up in Disneyworld on a river, which lead into my next dream after.