Date: 8/12/2022
By shrineofroses
Content warning: m****r and g***s There were several parts of this dream that were all relatively different but had the same idea (mass murder and tragedy lol) but this is the only one I remember the most about. Me and a group of friends excitedly arrive at this very pretty event venue that had sort of an atrium vibe minus the plants and all. There were already groups of people there dancing and doing typical club stuff so we just kinda joined in. More and more people began to show up so it soon became a full house. There was a second floor that had an all-around loft kinda like malls do which was a very decently high up. So as they typically do, these two ass hats with the weight and build of football players began messing around up there. No one really thought it was too big of a deal until they get reallyyy rowdy and they start to get some people’s attention. Suddenly, the slightly less heavily built man in blue somehow flips over the banister and takes the heavier built man in red with him, quickly falling to the ground. Fortunately no one was below them, apart from the man in blue landing on the man in red, who died immediately on impact. Blood quickly began to pool as everyone in the club freaked out (for good reason) and began to hastily make their way out of there. Horrifyingly, we realized the second we made our way out that there were hundreds of armed guards preventing us from leaving. And I mean ARMED. Mind you, the party consisted entirely of teenagers and young people, so we had no clue what to do except go into fight or flight mode. Unfortunately, both options got most, if not all the attendees gunned down. Even the people who managed to get out somewhat easily were shown no mercy. My view of the event was from a POV perspective, which was extremely frightening to say the least. It was absolutely ruthless. We weren’t even told why there were there or why they wanted to keep us in there. Honestly, we all would’ve been killed no matter what we did. One of two things probably happened: The man in the red and the man in the blue play fighting which resulted in the death of one of them was likely staged (though probably against their will) to make us all panic and not think in our right minds, inducing even more panic. Or the death was totally accidental and we just so happened to walk out to all the armed guards, completely oblivious because we were too busy being normal ass teenagers and having fun. This shit was like a movie I swear, especially from the perspective I saw it from. Really sad, dude. My dreams have been really sucky content wise. Like the second I’m in a relatively okay state of mind my brain is like “oops let’s give you traumatizing dreams LOLZ” like okay thanks guys