Date: 2/3/2022
By natassja666
My dream was all centred around this man with black hair and blue eyes who in my dream was my best friend. He travelled a lot, all around the world, so I didn’t get to see him all of the time, but every time he was in my town we’d spend every day together. He was really kind to my daughter to, she had this singing concert at school (Sarah was there with her daughter and I remember Storm was being so chaotic and not standing where she was supposed to and I was so embarrassed lol) and he was so supportive and was clapping and cheering for her so much. I remembered my husband in my dream and was very faithful to him the entire time, but when I went on a long night time drive with my friend my heart was fluttering so much and I realized I had intense, deep feelings for him I was going to have to get control of and hide. A thought crossed my mind that I wish I could be poly with both of them. His presence was just so fun and calming to be in and he was so interesting and easy to talk to. Telling me stories from all around the world. We pulled into an A&W Parking, brightly lit by orange streetlights, and he put his hand on my thigh and looked me in the eyes and very seriously told me that he was in love with me and would bring me on all his travels if I only wanted to go. In this moment I somehow realized it was a dream, and decided since it wasn’t real and I’d likely never see this made up man again I should enjoy it fully. I asked him if he’d like to make love to me and he quickly told me that he’d love nothing more. I had such butterflies as he turned out of the parking lot to drive somewhere more private. I had flashes of us doing dirty things in my mind, and I realized I wasn’t nervous for him to see me naked whatsoever as I typically would be. He told me that he would love all of how I look, no matter what, and i believed him.