Date: 6/21/2022
By lauriemae
I was qith some family and friends and we were at my grandma's house.iMy mom was not with us. She had gone to meet a friend. As we were all visiting, there was a giant earthquake. It was a really bad one and destroyed a bunch of buildings and just made things bad. Some stores and scenery was totally changed. I tried to call my mom to see if she was ok, but I couldn't get the call to go through because everyone was trying to call and check on family. Then we noticed a car of hoodlums were outside. They came in shooting and wanted to loot or rob the house. One guy had me at gun point. So I gave him my sob story about my bad health. That made him feel bad amd he let us go. I think he was the leader of this group of gang members. We were not just walking around, I tried to call my mom a few times, but no answer. Eventually we got stopped by another gamg. I gave them same sob story and they let us go. Eventually, I ran into a friend that I had made in a previous dream. She had her little sister with her and maybe 2 others. So she decided they would come qoth me. We decodedbwebshould go back to my granfmas, now that we had a fairly large group. We ran into another group of game members and the one. Who seemed like the leader, was an old friend from high school. So I reminded him who I was and he let us go. We walked by a place that had T s, amd I saw my mom in the TV playing for our Seattle Seahawks. I was just very happy to k ow she was OK. Later, she was with us, but I don't remember how that happened. We get back to my grandmas house, where a gang had taken over. We convinced them to let us stay by yelling them, woth mote people, we could defend the place easier amd we could set up boobie traps for any other gangs that tried to come by. Plus we decoded gramdmas house was in a nicer part of town. So there would be less gangs around. So they let us stay. The leader of the gang had a long white stretch lino. I askednif I could go qith for a rode and check it out. He was able to drive from the back seat, where he sat. He also planned on sleeping in it I'm the driveway, to help protect or defend the house, if needed. He let me inside and I could tell right away that he had the hots for me. So I was flirting and leading him in, and he was fine with us all staying. They told me they had already taken some things, including a laptop. I told them it was fine amd we didn't care. I just love my grandma's house and wanted to keep it as it was. That's about all I rrmember.