Gross and scary dream mountain climbing and basketball

Date: 10/28/2018

By $MrKrabzWalking

So the first part of the dream I was playing a basketball tournament... I could not get any points, I was getting fouled every shot and I was begging the refs to give me foul shots but they wouldn’t blow their whistle. I was getting really frustrated and pissed off, I also missed a fast break dunk. When the tournament was over we had to walk home for some reason across this rough mountain. I was deathly afraid of heights and nearly slipped so many times. There was a specific part of the mountain I was struggling with. Another kid from my basketball team was going home on the same path (he’s not on our team in real life idk who it was) anyways he didn’t seem scared at all but I was nearly in tears. I had to jump to this next part to get on top and move on. If I slipped or miss timed my jump I’d be dead for sure. I jumped and caught onto the ledge but I couldn’t pull myself up because the dirt are rocks were super loose. I started flipping out screaming and spazzing to get up. The other player grabbed my hand and saved me. I was thankful to get done with the hard part because the rest of the trip was an easy trail. I finally catch up with my parents who were somehow way ahead of me. They ask where my bag is. I remember I left it when I jumped I have to go back for it. For some reason it’s in a ww2 bunker. I make my way through the bunker to realize the floor is moving. After a while I just realize the entire floor wasn’t moving but was just maggots, rats and mice eating each other. I sprint out and go around. My bag is on this other side. I sprint in hopping around so maggots won’t climb up my leg I grab my bag and throw it outside I then see my hoodie and football bag (idk why I had my football bag) I grab those also and make my way out. My shoes are covered in guts and I look into my stuff and all of its covered in maggots and mice. My football helmet was covered in it and they were all sitting in my chin strap. Right before I make the jump again I wake up