So I got left and then went to Hawaii??

Date: 4/26/2022

By heyitsfrannie

The dream started with me being at a some business that’s not far from my apartment. I’m not sure why or how I got there, but I am sure that my friend JE was supposed to pick me up there. So I’m sitting and sitting, sketchy people come in and come out. I get tired of waiting and think that since it’s far from my house, I’ll walk….WRONG. I get outside, start to walk and I get terrified. I start like, what if some snatches me off the road or I get attacked by someone or something. So I run back to the business and decide to call 911. I explain to them that I need a police escort or a ride to my apartment just up the street. The operator says the police can’t pick me up, but they have a related service that can get me home. I say that’s fine and decide to wait inside for my ride. While I’m waiting, I start to feel nervous about the person picking me up. What if they kidnap me or assault me. So the guy comes and picks me up. I try to leave the car door slightly cracked, so if anything happens I can open it. Because honestly my apartment was not even 5 minutes from the business, maybe with stop lights. But I would be able to tell from the very second, if he was some bs. He drives me home, not talking much (i honestly don’t remember if he talked) and I look and see the neither of my roommates are home. So I try to trick him and instead of going to my floor at my building, I go to a different floor at a different building. So I’m with my friend JE at the same business from earlier. I don’t know why we were back there, but we were about to leave when we drive by the gas station up the street. At the gas station there is a guy in his car, light skin, somewhat of a beard. I look a little harder and I know him. It’s a guy I went to high school with. I tell JE to pull over and I hop out the car. I walk over, say hey and hug him through the window of his Camaro. We start chatting for a second when all of a sudden all these cars pull up at the gas station. Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom! It’s all these people from our high school. It’s like a big, mini reunion haha. We all are chatting, laughing, playing music. It also looked like some of them had just left helping their siblings with prom or something. It was a nice time. Then I went to Hawaii, now I don’t know why, but I did. I actually DROVE (yes you read that right) drove to Hawaii. I got a hotel for two nights and just went. I, for some reason, booked an excursion to get into the ocean and go through caves! Why the f!!! would do that. I know I’m scared of water and have a fear of drowning. I’m proud of myself for going down under one time, but the second time I stayed above water. There was like an excursion guide that sat and chatted with (i even flirted a little) until everyone came back up. Also I think the instructor got agitated that I wouldn’t do everything, but it was literally because I’m scared of water or drowning, I should say. Once the excursion was over I kept talking to other people in the group and the excursion guide. Just as we were leaving I realized that the hot, long haired excursion instructor was the same guy that picked me up and dropped me off at my apartment earlier in the other dream. Wow. Also (Hawaii story) I didn’t tell my friends that I was going to Hawaii. They just were looking for me and checked find my friends and saw that I was in Hawaii. I didn’t give a f!!k