My Ex?!

Date: 10/13/2016

By sarahsleeps

The dream started out pretty normal. I was on Facebook and got invited to an event happening that night. It was hosted by two people I haven't spoken too in years. I wasn't going to but then I saw a lot of my friends were going so I decided to start getting ready. I arrived at my old high school. It was my high school at least from the outside. Inside was just one big open area and a huge stage with a catwalk. Lights where going and music blasting. It was some kind of show I guess. Jerry and Addie who were the hosts greeted me and said they were so happy I could make it. Weird. I was never really friends with them. I continue making my way in looking for familiar faces I could sit with. An older man approaches me. "Wow! You must meet my son" he hugs me. I didn't know him. He grabbed my hand and began to pull me toward the back stage area. I didn't know why but I just followed. As we approached who I assumed was his son I realized quickly he wanted us to meet so we could hang out for the night. The son probably knew the same reason because he looked annoyed. Once his dad left he apologized for his rudeness. I said it was okay but if he wanted to hang out we could for a little. I felt bad cause he was just off in a corner by himself. He said no and made a joke about wanting to work up the courage to hang out with another girl. He pointed her out. I jumped up and told him to follow me. He was nervous and asked me to stop but I told him to trust me. As I approached this strange girl she smiled at me. The first thing I said was a compliment and she was my friend immediately. I made an excuse a few seconds later to leave and they were alone. I started looking again for anyone I knew. There where a lot of people here. That's when I ran into a guy I'm kind of seeing. With him, my ex. H the guy I'm seeing smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. I didn't care and kissed him back. They were both dressed in tuxs, I guess because they were in the show. I followed them to a room in the back where most of my friends where. I hung out there for a little but then the boys where called. 5 minutes before they had to be on stage. I walked back with them so I could watch them perform. That's when H started talking about me to my ex. They're friends but I thought it was weird and I was standing right there. Nothing bad was being said. Then he stayed I was his girlfriend now. This wasn't true. And I told him to stop. But he would. He looked at my ex and got mad then continued to state I was his girlfriend. I wasn't though. I left them then because I was too fed up with the fighting. The next room I entered the door locked behind me. It was pretty dim inside but I could sort of see. It was like I wasn't in my high school anymore. A girl ran past me. A guy following just walking. He had a weapon but I wasn't scared. He smiled and winked as he passed me still following the girl. She was at the door I just came in. Couldn't open it cause he was shut tight and locked. The next parts were just odd but they were basically fighting and there's no way either would be alive from all the times they were stabbed. The guy turned toward me though. He was suddenly angry I was there. I backed up trying to look for another way out. There was a hole in the roof but it was almost 30 ft from me. Why was it such a big room?! They guy started walking toward me with his huge knife. The next thing I heard was someone flying down that hole in the roof. It was my ex and H was holding the ropes at the top. I jumped on a we were lifted up. H apologized but I didn't care. I was really shaken up. The skies grew dark then. I looked out and noticed behind the high school was all ocean. The waves started crashing and rising. Before our eyes and just within a few seconds the biggest wave I've ever seen formed. It was coming right for the high school and it was double the size. I grabbed on to the nearest person. It hit hard and washed us right off the roof. I was knocked out. When I woke I was still holding hands with whoever I grabbed onto before. I was up in a tree now. The wave must've pushed us here. It was my ex I was stuck with. Of course. As he woke and realized where we were he helped get us down. We started walking hoping to find our way back. He apologized to me. About how he got mad when H said I was his girlfriend. I didn't care what goes on between them. I said to just keep me out of it. As we approached the beach. We saw no one was in sight and half the high school was gone.