Date: 12/11/2019
By TripK
The dream was mostly from the pov of a person who wasn’t me, although who that person was I am unsure of. It started vaguely with that unknown person being on an island, meeting me who had just sailed in on a boat (or perhaps I was always me, and the sailor/pirate was my D&D character, who is an ex-pirate?). The dream then shifted to us being with Mystery Inc. and Wirt, Greg, and Jason Funderburker (the frog) checking out a haunted mansion’s exterior. Suddenly, from the top left-most window, an arm extended and dropped a piece of paper, explaining that only one of us could go in at a time to explore the house’s depths. I believe Greg was the first to go (since he was the smallest and could fit in tight places???). However, I subconsciously changed this as the inside of the house was too dangerous for a child. I then switched pov to the one exploring the house. The interior was a hollow series of ice caves and slopes (similar to Fallen Order’s, but more cramped). Eventually, Greg, now switched to the person I was organizing in perspective of, found a funnel in the icy ground in a room they could not escape, with several layers of sharp teeth covering the bottom and a rope attached to the wall before them. A piece of paper informed that any who jumped would die, but by pulling the line on the way down would open the whole further to allow those who follow them to pass safely. But if they did nothing, they would eventually die due to the little oxygen and icy cold. I weighed my options and decided to call the paper’s bluff and waited out to try and find another exit. Eventually, I laid against a wall, reflecting on how sailor and I met, before quickly dying. My pov switched back to the real me(?)/the Sailor, along with everyone else waiting for news, only for the same arm to drop another piece of paper explaining the death of the person who had ventured in. I don’t remember much of what happened next, but I think I eventually returned to the starting island?