Spider-Man Dream

Date: 11/19/2017

By JayP

This dream puts me in the place of Peter Parker. it starts with life as Spider-Man, swinging and fighting people. Dover Bay Band is somehow tied to the spider story as well. Christina is there. Dover Bay Band gets a box, full of spider gear that Christina never ends up using. as spiderman I fight the vulture, up in a high, high-tech building similar to avengers tower. this is New York. the vulture mentions his mentor, some tiger guy who doesn't have powers but he has a cool suit and a cool name like "master of signs" or something like that. he's got a white tiger suit and is a master of "fake it until you make it." we fight. dream ends with me talking to Christina, who never got around using the spider gear which had been sitting in the storage room on the trombone shelf, for ages. dream ends.