making friends at a sandwich shop

Date: 7/12/2020

By space_tubbs

ok so in my dream i went out with my parents and cousin. we were at walmart first but they closed early and we went to this huge shopping/event center. it was around 10pm and there was a bunch of people here doing some shopping and what not. my parents went to the bank, but the line was long so i walked to a sandwich shop while my cousin found some friends and went to a candy shop. i trust this area, it’s very well lit and is basically full of people everyone is familiar with (like a tight community) well i go into this sandwich shop and get in line for one. when it’s my turn to order some woman shoved me aside and orders for herself. i’m kinda insulted by her actions but someone holds me back. it’s a girl and a group of her friends. i don’t know them, but they seem nice and i talk to them. we joke and laugh and basically get to know each other. i find out that one of them is “involved” with this one guy from their group. i stay with them for a while (while still standing in this line for a fucking sandwich) the guy one of the girls is “involved” with keeps eyeing me, almost like in a flirtatious manner? not sure, but i eventually start feeling like i’ve spent too much time in this line. so i tell them i must go and i start walking for the door. the same dude who kept eyes on me said he’d walk me out. once we were outside he said something like “hey i think you’re really cool, can i have your number?” i ask him about that other girl, but he dismisses her and i reluctantly give him my number and i go on my way. while crossing a street, i keep fumbling with the piece of paper he wrote his contact numbers on. out of no where i’m suddenly getting mugged?? i see someone i know, a guy! i run to him but he pushes me off and says “that’s your problem, not mine” and continues walking. smh, so now i have to survive on my own. i turn to the dude who’s mugging me and start complimenting him. he gets so happy about it he lets me go? not sure but at least i was safe. i tun to pick up my cousin and run back to my parents— who then take us home. now that i’m at home i get an instagram notification. the whole group i met in the sandwich shop followed me! you see i’d really like to know these people irl. maybe i’ll meet them sometime in the feature??