Date: 3/8/2023
By hellbound
I was in an animal shelter. There was a woman there that supposedly worked with me at St. Vincent, but i didn't recognize her at all. She was trying to get me to adopt cats, dogs, and bunny rabbits. I didn't really want any of them. She tried to convince me that Pumpkin was a kitten when we got her, but I knew that wasn't true. She told me I needed to get to work. Suddenly, I was in the hospital. Will was in the hospital at the same time. I don't know what we were there for. I was watching TV, and the president was in a car in a very large city. The president wasn't someone I knew, it was a younger man. He was in a motorcade. There was fighting going on in the streets. A man had a huge weapon, it had a nuclear bomb. He pointed it up in the sky, and it destroyed everything. There was an American naval ship coming to the USA from overseas, it was called Calabasas. The woman on the ship said she was coming and the ship could hold families. I don't know what happened to the president.