Mar 22 2024

Date: 3/22/2024

By SagittariusDreamer

I went out to eat with my aunt and my cousin at a buffet. I ended up getting a bunch of food stacked high on my plate, like meatloaf, some really bland corn, and mashed potatoes. Instead of sitting with my aunt and cousin, I ended up sitting at a table with a random family. It was an older woman, her two daughters, and who I assume was her son, all of which were adults. The woman was really stuck up. I don't think she minded that I sat with them, but she criticized my food choices and told me to get more protein next time. I looked at one of her daughters and smirked, kinda showing her that i didn't really care about what her mom was saying. She seemed different from everyone else, looking more rebellious and laid back in a way. She had on a jacket with anime pins and patches (which i complimented), and I believe she had black or dark brown hair with blue eyes and pale skin. But more importantly, everyone at that table had this energy of being scared of their mother as if she would be two seconds from snapping and causing a scene. It made me wonder if this poor girl was adopted, or maybe something worse, and I wanted to get her away from this situation. I sat and ate dinner with them for a while, going to get an extra plate of food. The other daughter put a huge slab of what looked to be a cheese wheel shaped hashbrown, and it may or may not have had meat in the middle??? It filled my entire plate and I wasn't able to get anything else, so I just went back to the table. A while passed. There's some gaps in my dream but I know I stayed by her side for a long time. At some point towards the end, we were at her church. Something important was happening, and I thought for a moment that my dear friend was going to be married off. But as it turns out, I believe her mother was going to sell her to this other woman who would THEN marry her off to some random man. My friend had a breakdown and I held her. We sat on the pews together as she cried, and I was irritated with her family for doing something like this. So as a big "fuck you", I kissed her. Right there in front of everyone. It was quick, and she'd kissed me back for only a moment before pulling away. I heard everyone gasp around us. Two women kissing was probably very taboo in her community, but it wasn't in mine. I was definitely planning on running away with her but I ended up waking up :(