The Projector

Date: 8/22/2023

By Swords

Found an old movie projector from the 70's while cleaning out my patents' house. It was in a large, white, rectangular, wooden box. Too heavy to carry, but heavy duty, suitable for outdoor use. I hoisted it onto a flat skid dolly and started pushing it down the road. It kept sliding precariously to the edge of the dolly, so I had to stop every 5 meters to slide it back. The neighbour kids were playing in their garage across the street: A, AM and H from next door. I started setting up the projector. AM was fascinated. She lifted the lid and in the top, I found five of my favourite bathing suits that I thought I'd lost forever. I pulled them out as AM began carefully folding her own scarves and setting them on the turntable. I warned her not to put anything too heavy on there as it could strain the belt. I was a little disappointed that it was a record player as I wanted to have an outdoor movie night for the kids. But then I saw there was a film projecting from the back. Excellent! A film projector AND record player! I turned the player around and the film was projected onto the big white wall of their garage. It was a silent, black and white cowboy movie. There were titles but they flashed too quickly. "How are we supposed to know what they're saying?" H asked. I explained that before sound, actors had to convey meaning through their expressions and gestures. H was very interested in the concept and began to watch as he played with his toy cars over the back of the old chesterfield.

AI generated interpretation The dream you described seems to touch upon themes of nostalgia, discovery, creativity, and communication. Finding an old movie projector from the 70s while cleaning your parents' house represents a connection to the past or a desire to uncover forgotten memories or elements of your personal history. The large, white, rectangular, wooden box symbolizes the preservation of these memories or emotions. The weight and durability of the projector suggest that these repressed memories or emotions may carry significant emotional weight or impact. The act of pushing the projector down the road, with it precariously sliding off the dolly, reflects the effort and struggle of recalling these memories or dealing with the emotions they may bring. It may hint at the need for patience and careful handling to fully process and understand these experiences. The presence of the neighbor kids, A, AM, and H, suggests a connection to your social interactions or relationships. Their playfulness in the garage symbolizes the sense of exploration and enjoyment that can come from examining past experiences. Additionally, their presence may indicate a desire to share or express your discoveries with others. The discovery of your favorite bathing suits in the projector represents finding something valuable or cherished, possibly from your past. This may suggest a longing for past experiences or a desire to recapture certain aspects of your identity or self-expression. The interaction between you and AM, as she carefully folds her scarves and places them on the turntable, implies a sense of shared creativity and appreciation for aesthetics. This may indicate that the dream is highlighting your appreciation for beauty and self-expression, possibly in relation to past experiences. The disappointment at first, when realizing the projector is actually a record player, may reflect a conflict between your desire for a certain outcome or experience (an outdoor movie night for the kids) and the reality of what is available. However, the excitement upon discovering that the projector can also project films suggests adaptability and the ability to find unexpected opportunities or solutions in unexpected places. The silent black and white cowboy movie projected onto the garage wall may symbolize a longing for simpler times or a desire for a return to a more straightforward and authentic form of communication. The challenge of quickly flashing titles represents the difficulty in understanding or fully expressing oneself in certain situations. This may indicate a need for clearer communication or a frustration with potential misinterpretation. H's interest in the concept of actors conveying meaning through expressions and gestures reflects a curiosity about non-verbal communication and understanding others on a deeper level. This, paired with H playing with toy cars on the old chesterfield, may suggest a balance between curiosity and playfulness, as well as the complexity of navigating interpersonal connections and personal interests. Overall, this dream conveys a longing for connection with the past, a need for clearer communication, and a desire to express yourself creatively. It may be a reflection of your current state of mind, exploring your past experiences and looking for ways to connect them to your present life, relationships, and personal growth.