Pokémon and Robots

Date: 7/24/2019

By bstefanescu

I was at a lake near Christer’s house and I was ice skating on the lake (it wasn’t frozen) and I was going like 60 mph. I was going so fast I was even able to skate over the grass on my ice skates. Then it skips to me being at Christer’s house with Christer and Dylan, and Dylan and I were throwing golf balls at each other outside. I then was inside of Christer’s house in the bathroom with just a towel around my waist, and some random girl walked in and I was super uncomfortable. So I left his house. Then it skips to me being in this futuristic world but as a Pokémon or some furry ball thing. I am with someone dressed as the avatar (from the cartoon with the arrow on his head) and we are being hunted by robots that are controlled by humans. All at the same time, I am trying to save the rest of my race (whatever it is) so I get the other Pokémon/furry ball things to safety and keep them in some ancient ruins. The robots find our home and come and kill all of us besides me, the person dressed as the avatar, and someone else. The reason I survive is because I have super powers and I am able to shoot explosive blasts out of my hands and kill these things. Then the robots are chasing me and the other two people, and they surrounded us and All of the robots turned off so we lived. While in the ruins and the robots were killing my people, a bird that was made of rocks started to fly to get away. Then it said “oh wait, I’m made of rocks” and fell to its death.

AI generated interpretation The dream you had is quite vivid and contains various elements such as Pokémon, robots, and different settings. Let's analyze the different symbols and themes present in your dream: 1. Ice skating on a lake: This symbolizes a sense of freedom and speed. It may suggest that you are currently experiencing a moment of excitement and progress in your waking life. 2. Throwing golf balls: This may represent competition or a playful rivalry. It could indicate that you are engaging in a friendly contest or have a desire to outperform someone in a certain area of your life. 3. Being uncomfortable in the bathroom: Bathrooms often represent a need for privacy or a desire to maintain personal boundaries. Feeling uncomfortable in this situation may reflect a lack of control over your personal space or feeling vulnerable in certain social interactions. 4. Transforming into a Pokémon or furry ball thing: This transformation may symbolize a desire for escapism or a need to explore different identities. It could suggest that you are seeking adventure or a break from your current reality. 5. Being hunted by robots controlled by humans: This may represent a fear of external influences or authority figures attempting to control or overpower you. It could indicate a sense of being judged or pursued in your waking life. 6. Saving your race and providing safety: These actions suggest a strong sense of responsibility and leadership qualities. You may feel the need to protect or support others, possibly by utilizing your own unique strengths and abilities. 7. Unfortunate death of the rock bird: This could symbolize the fragility of certain aspects of your life or your awareness of potential pitfalls. It may serve as a reminder to be cautious or to reflect on the consequences of certain actions. Overall, your dream seems to reflect a combination of excitement, competition, vulnerability, the desire for escapism, and the need to protect and lead others. It is essential to consider your current circumstances and emotions to gain a more accurate interpretation of your dream.