Date: 1/7/2023
By ailehpo
Some voiceover said something along the lines of this at the end of my dream and upon waking I had the feeling that I was paraphrasing something some famous person has said…but I can’t remember: “When we think of creatures, we instinctively put them into two categories. The ones worthy of life — the ones with hearts and feelings, the sheep and dogs and humans of the earth — and the ones whose lives mean nothing at all — the critters with many legs that scuttle across the floor, the insects, the rats, the vermin. It is only when one suggests that perhaps these lives mean something too, that they should be treated with dignity and respect, that we lash out, look down in disgust, and crush them with our feet. And even when we see these two types of creatures bleed the same blood, we simply look away. We have already deemed them unworthy, and we do not want to put our notions aside and wonder if perhaps we were wrong, perhaps they feel like us too, perhaps we are not so different as we thought. It is easier to convince ourselves that they aren’t really capable of feeling than to admit we have been treating them unfairly all along.” I was in a field/meadow kind of crouching in the dirt when the voiceover said that. Obviously it’s like a metaphor for how we treat humans different from us and doesn’t just pertain to other species. But yeah I feel like someone has said something like this before I just don’t remember who or how exactly. Anyways…I don’t remember most of the rest of my dream. At first I was in some sort of college, it kind of looked like a monastery, or maybe kind of like Oxford, or whichever one it is that they go to in Brideshead Revisited. The scenery was sort of Romeo and Juliet-y, if that makes sense. The people there were wise and kind. I had friends. My art prof from last semester was there as a teacher. There was an archway in one of the buildings that led out into the courtyard. And a door on the side of the archway, that led into a small, dark room, with a little fountain. The “window” was just holes in one of the walls, slitted like a confessional booth. We spent a lot of our time there. For some reason my parents didn’t want me going there, but I went anyways. In the second phase of my dream, I was traveling across the country on my own by foot, it was “the United States” but I remember a bit where I was looking at a map and it had quite a few features that were different. For one, the northeast went way up into Canada and it was way colder and more mountainous. I remember that Utah, where I started my journey (reverse Mormon lol), was quite a bit closer to the Northeast too. Hm…maybe I didn’t actually start there, but if not at the very least it was an early stop in my journey. No idea why I was traveling, but again my parents (real mom and dad) didn’t want me to go. I remember traversing forests and cities and long winding paths that cut through empty rolling hills. One city in particular reminded me of the cover of um…let me look this up. The cover of the album Everything in Transit by Jack’s Mannequin. Not sure if that’s supposed to be Cali or something. It was pretty patchy, kind of reminded me of the cities of Tbilisi or Telavi or Cutaisi (idk how to spell it) in Georgia, away from the tourism centers, in how it was sort of trashy and sort of busy but not really, and it was empty, and there were old Coca Cola signs everywhere. Anyways. I made it up into the elongated Northeast. Again, I don’t THINK that area is super mountainous, but it WAS in my dream. And I was up in the snow capped mountains feeling like Ötzi or Kurt Russel in The Thing. I must’ve found a patch of warmer meadow where there was grass, when the voiceover above appeared. Then I woke.