Questioned it

Date: 11/8/2019

By Chaos/SSJ

So i was on vacation and i saw an old friend of mine who right now hates my guts but in the dream she was happy to see me and i asked why are you here and she said shes on vacation too and i asked what are the odds is this a dream i havent seen you in years and now here you are and then we started walking and she said she had to use the bathroom and i watched her go into the bathroom and i wanted to peek but usually when i get pervy ideas i bite my finger a bit but when i did it didnt hurt so i pulled out my lucky wooden nickel because you’re supposed to read something and if anything changed no matter what the difference is it means you’re dreaming but when i pulled it out the words were all there but the 4 leave clover wasnt. For some reason i assumed it meant i was destined to have a horrible day and i went to class as if that made sense and when i was getting to my seat i started feeling tired to the point where i couldnt keep my eyes open so i tried to take off my coat and looked through my bookbag for a pencil and when i did a huge bag of m&ms fell out and onto the floor going everywhere so i tried to pick them up but my vision was so blurry i couldnt stay awake to do it and then the teacher yelled no cheating in the test and i didnt know we were doing a test so i sat down trying to secretly pick up the candy one by one until the teacher yelled times up and i told him everything that happened and he said hes gonna pick them up for me which made me feel embarrassed and then i woke up