šŸ”„Spiritual encounters: bus and ghost battle

Date: 5/11/2020

By UniqueStarque

Part 1: I'm on a bus with a crowd of people sitting down. There is a basket of items sitting in the front of the bus. I go through the basket, handing out the few items that belonged to different passengers. After giving what people owned, I took a large handfull of little feathers and walked around inside the bus praying blessings over them, so that whoever received a feather received the same blessing prayed over it. Outside the bus is a grey long-haired cat. It's raining out. I open the door and the wet cat tries to get in, so I quickly shut the door. I know it is the devil trying to get into the bus full of people. The wet cat wanders off. Then I see a dry grey long-haired cat wander up to the door, I think it is a good cat so Iā€™m about to let it in, then I realize that it is also evil, the devil in disguise. I thought the wet, rough looking cat was evil and the nice, dry looking cat was good, but it turned out both were evil. Part 2: I'm indoors. I enter into a realistic game in the living room. Before I begin, I see someone else complete the ā€gameā€/challenge before me. We are told that you need to practically and craftily/creatatively defeat the enemy in the game. Once I begin, I put on these glasses, that allow me to see differently in the game than others simply looking in/watching me. Suddenly, I see an evil spirit/ghost floating around me, but it wasn't clear to see, it faded in and out like a moving cloud/dust in a sun ray, so I had to look carefully in order to see it. I have a very large sword in my hand and Iā€™m trying to stab the very tip of my large sword into the spirit, but it keeps moving around swiftly. Jillian, my sister, is watching me move around the room pointing, swinging, and stabbing, my sword in the air. Because she couldn't see the spirit I was battling, she thought I was just being weird, but I keep fighting. Eventually, I stab the spirit with the very tip of the sword and it strikes the spirit to the core, causing my victory.