went to heaven but it was a cool fancy building

Date: 6/11/2020

By kkthedreamer

i have a lot of dreams about dying lol but in this one, my mom and i were going on this weird space mission thing with a bunch of other random, inexperienced people. like, we were gonna go to outer space. however, there was this weird thing we had to do first- everyone had to gather in this small room where there was this weird machine. apparently, the machine killed people and this was a process of elimination to see who the final people to go on the mission would be. there were like 10 other people but somehow i knew i would go out first. and sure enough, i did. but it didn’t really hurt, it was like a small electric zap and then i just saw white. i could feel the moment my soul left my body, and it felt peaceful. then all of a sudden, i woke up in a strange yet familiar-feeling room. i was a little confused but still knew that’s where i was supposed to be. i looked around the room for a bit. some of my clothes i wear all the time were folded on these shelves, next to pajamas i hadn’t worn since i was little. i was in a small, twin sized bed. the room was pretty small too. behind the headboard of the bed was a glass window, and through it i saw what looked like my older sister’s room. except she wasn’t there. i figured it was probably reserved for her for when she died. i decided to leave the room and explore a bit. i opened the door to find a long hotel-like hallway, with many doors. each door had a name above it, and i saw the names of my family members and friends. i kept walking and followed the sound of people talking. soon i ended up in this lobby area, where there was a bar and tables everywhere. sitting at the bar was melynda from dad’s restaurant, and i remembered in my dream that she died, so it all began to make sense (not irl tho lol). she greeted me casually, as if she was just expecting me, and i waved back. i saw a few other familiar faces, including shannon from the restaurant as well. i forgot how they had died, but i didn’t question it. i’m not really sure how the dream got to this point, but all of a sudden i was in this fancy marble room that was like the top floor of the building, because it had a hole in the middle that overlooked all the rooms below. there was this person who was teaching us about what we could do in heaven. apparently, we had the power to do and have anything we wanted to- we just had to believe we already it. so i tried it out, and i managed to sprout wings and fly around for a bit and then turn my basic clothes into a beautiful, sparkly red gown. i remember i wanted to do more but then my mom came in and woke me up lol.