Nasty chewing gum dream?

Date: 1/12/2017

By LdonnyH24

Had a d dream that I had just moved into a huge open loft. I had roommates, one of whom was my boss at work....someone i would never want to live with, but I don't remember who the others were. The loft was huge and I was really excited to live in a place that nice. my happy mood was soured when I walked out of my bedroom and walked back into the front part of the loft to see that the brand new hardwood floors had been torn out and there was a concrete floor underneath it with smashed up, tar colored, dirty chewing gum all over it. I found a scraper and started to scrape up all the chewing gum off of the floor and then I came up on a wad of chewing gum that was gigantic, like at least 10 pounds of gum in one wad, it was just as black and tar looking as the other ones, but it was much bigger and it was still wet when I started to scrape it up.