Creepy Costume Warehouse

Date: 4/27/2020

By sarahlane

It’s very hard to remember the context but I’ll give what I can: Theres a man that acts and looks like a military Sergeant and a bunch of people lined up in front of him in an outdoor area with a white cubby wall of gifts behind us. Those gifts included things like turntables, radios, gift baskets, etc. We each got to choose something and for whatever reason I thought I could trick him into getting something better than what was in the cubbies. I asked for a radio which ended up being one of the old Barbie radios from my childhood. Somehow I convinced him to be able to go into a warehouse that lined the courtyard to look for something else. Inside, the warehouse was very dark with spotted,yellow-y lighting. There were racks and racks of just..stuff. My eye catches in a very cool bohemian style welcome mat and a wicker loveseat-I make a mental note because I really need things for my porch (irl too! Haha) I walked pretty far back and found a door where giant dress skirts were flowing out from the doorway. It looked like a magical doorway because it seemed inviting and like a jungle of dresses in there but also somehow sinister in a way I can’t quite explain. I went in and down steep steps, racks of dresses at both my sides all the way down. I enter a square room full of more of them, a glass covered table in the middle with jewelry. There a little hallway that connects a similar room, and then another hallway with a similar room, and then another and another. It seems to go on forever and it starts to creep me out. I run back thru where I came and up the steps. I run all the way back out where I see a lot of the people have selected their items and are leaving. I tell the Sergeant I’m fine with my Barbie radio.