You're not Love

Date: 8/15/2021

By Bito

I was out in the suburbs at night time. I was with B and my brother. I remember coming across this poster board or some kind of sign. It read something along the lines of "Would you feel safer around more brothels". It was either some kind of propaganda or petition to open more adult institutions. Anyway we were just walking around when in the distance I could see 2 women approach us. As soon as I came into view one of them shouted something at us to get our attention. I don't remember what she said, however, her friend looked exactly like Love from the show You. I tell B right away but he disagrees. I was a little starstruck so I didn't know what to do. I was getting jittery so I stood behind B as the ladies approached, hoping to get my shit together. They finally came up to us and I was stilling losing it. For some reason I felt really shy. I was avoiding I contact and pretty still standing behind B. Love then pushed B out of the way and looked me dead in the eyes. I don't know if her face changed but it wasn't Love anymore. Even her hair transformed into thick red locks. Her eyes matched the amber colour of her hair. It definitely wasn't Love anymore. Even though she was transforming in front of me I assumed I was just mistaken. It was pretty dark and street lights were warm in colour so it was hard to see anyway. I remember getting into an argument with fake Love and she was not happy. At some point I tried to leave. I headed towards a busy street intersection and I look to see if the was following me. Suddenly she's in the air and charging me with some kind of sharp lance or jousting stick. I hear my brother in the distance yell RUUUUUN and I take off. She was going way too fast for me to outrun so just as she was about to impale me, I jump. I jumped so high that I took flight. I was instantly lucid at that moment. I let the dream keep going because it was already interesting. Fake Love is still trying to kill me but now we're both airborne and I'm much fast than her. I remember going in circles around her just to annoy tf outta her. Then I tried to go even faster and higher the dream got dark and hazy and I woke up.