Date: 3/1/2017
By Raul
I am in the hospita and it looks like it's fragmented in sections from the rich an wealthy to the por and homeless. I go to the bad side of the por hospital where all the criminals are placed to find a friend. I find him fairly easy but it was hard geting his atention without geting murdered. We go in the hospital park and we sit on a bench waiting for a dealer to buy weed. He showed up but he got arested and we did not have the chance to buy anything. We go to a bar to talk about what just hapened and i excuze myself to the bathroom. Whille taking a shit, the bathroom chamber turned into a rocket and flew me into space conecting with a big space ship. The ship was runing low on oxigen and fuel. Everyone took turns to breath from a biomecanical tube. Everyone was mutating on the ship because of the harsh conditions.You could find all kind of mutants from body deformityes to a verry few superpowers. I got the power to teleport and I teleported all the ship and peiple in it to new york. I realised now that we are in the 80's. we accidentaly teleported back in time not just in another place. It looked like there were mutants everywhere,not just the ones from the ship so I think we also teleported in a diferwnt dimension. we got atacked and had to fight some huge monsters. in the end I was doing some paperwork on board the ship and then I woke up.