A virus to forget

Date: 3/10/2018

By Dreamberrie

I was in a football stadium that was in another country that I had flown in to. I was talking to my parents in a big crowd about how perfect this venue would be for a band that was struggling to find a suitable place to play. Soon a lady came out and said we had to split into groups so she could do her talk in a group that wasn't too big. My folks left becuse they had done all this before. I was in the group that was doing the talk and there was another group doing karate and another one dancing. I think I tuned out of what she way saying and walked over to the dance group to watch. The people dancing were in beautiful Kimonos. I walked over to a screen where there were two faces next to each other. One of a man that had a goofy grin, the second a similar but not quite the same face and he looked sallow and deflated. The lady sitting at the screen started telling me about how there was this virus going around that made you kinda change and forget how/who you used to be. She said only 3 people had contracted it but it could spread. I walked inside this building and talked with some people. l went around the back to where this famous archway was, to take a photo. I waited for two asian people to take their photos. As I waited more people arrived to take photos too. The guy that was in the archway being photographed was staring dramatically at the ground. I started giggling at how ridiculous they looked and another guy waiting started laughing too. I was laughing so much I had to go inside. Back inside I run into Axel who is about to shave his beard. He asks me to help so I put lots of soap on his face and find this shaver comb thing to old school barber shop his beard. As I'm going it breaks in my hand. I find another blade and keep going with that. After I get bored, I give it to him to take over and I go to explore more of the building. There was a screen inside with Moss from IT crowd and a girl had it paused. I tell her I love IT crowd and she said we can watch it together off her phone and project it onto the screen. I look out the window and notice a giant hangbag and suggest we sit in it but she says it will be really wet in there. She takes so long to get organised to watch the show we don't end up watching it. We go out for a few smokes before I give up on it ever happening. I walk out of the building and spot Tater with a shocked look om her face sitting at a table and talking with 3 other girls. I ask her what is so shocking and she says she has a secret about Jack but I can't tell ANYONE. I ask her who I would tell anyway so she makes me swear not to tell Mat. She then tells me the secret is that she thinks Jack is allergic to wheat. I tell her that I have been telling him that for ages. I'm confused by the non secretive nature of the secret and then wake up. Throughout the dream I was looking at people worridly that they would give me the virus.