Date: 2/23/2021
By Sssmorgann
Had an ostrich sized egg and hatched a full grown duck out of it. Also I was Handsel and Gretel with Bailee? And we were the egg's caretakers. Once the duck hatched we kept it warm and protected it from everything. Aunt Vicki had a liter sized syringe with a patch of small needles instead of one needle. The syringe had a balloon instead of a plunger. She stuck her shin and pushed the balloon and it was irrigating her leg. Suddenly I could see through her skin, or else the contents of her leg regurgitated back into the syringe. There were all kinds of strips of fascia floating around. The cells were already dyed with H&E stain??? We had just been having a garage sale so I was like sweet, there was a microscope in the set up, I'm gonna look at these fascia strips with it. I had to get on my hands and knees and look under a desk to see where it was. I kept seeing what I thought was the microscope, but it would turn out to be something else. Or I would misjudge how far back it was. Eventually I did find it but I never looked at her leg bits.