Date: 11/11/2022
By Idontreallyknowher
Somehow I got roped into working the welcome table at this museum but i kept getting reprimanded along with the other people/friends I was with because we kept leaving the post or not interacting with enough guests to this lady who I guess was our boss. Outside of this museum Martine asked me if I wanted to do a job for her that consisted of me gesso-ing canvases? Or some sort of surface. I said I had class cause it was gonna be Friday & she said it would be early & I could do it before class & I said no thanks. While we were out here some random white guy was trying to talk loudly across the crowd to us about working or something about a job we were supposed to be doing. The scene changed to me & some other friends walking along a beach shore & a “water” cop stopped us because he assumed we had alcohol & I pulled out this 5% margarita mix to show him it was nothing serious & this was all we had, but Carissa had also pulled out a bottle of something else like wine or something. He looked at the 5% bottle and said something like “on the back it says it’s 50% alcohol in total” and I was confused but we accepted it as truth. He ended up being away from us but I think watching us from a close distance to the side kind of like that lady who was our boss in the museum. Allot of weird hovering, being watched vibes.