15 min wild technique

Date: 11/8/2016

By richardcepeda1

ever tried wild but it takes too damn long to enter sleep paralysis well I got one good tip Nick Newport thought me Nick Newport is like a scientist when it come to ld he has the best techniques and creator of the roll over signal well you ask what do I have to do to get this 15-20 min sleep paralysis well it's simple does not matter if you're tense or have not done 300 yoga poses before hitting the hay just one simple trick to make your body really think you're sleeping and these are called sleep triggers now I'm not going to list all of them just the most powerful one it's breath mimicking step 1 you have to find out how you are breathing while sleeping that's all no medication nothing there are three ways to find this you can do 3 things 1 right before you wake up in the morning don't move just pay attention to your sleep breath pattern and learn it 2 if you have already been.in sleep paralysis pay attention to your breathing what we don't know is as we sleep our breaths get deeper and longer 3 by far the easiest is record yourself sleeping that's all with this simple trick you can enter sleep paralysis at anytime great for having those beautiful wild vivid dreams