A dream of a college campus shifting through time with a glacier passing by, inspired by a podcast about the history of the world playing in the background., digital art

Real life sounds influencing dream

Date: 6/27/2018

By Kris

I was having a dream early in the morning. The dream started off with trying to sneak into a building surrounded by an electrical fence. Eventually the dream transitioned into being inside of a movie theater watching a documentary. What I did not know is that my girlfriend was awake and had started playing a podcast out loud while I was sleeping. The podcast was a documentary style talk about one of the Lyft founders. He was talking about how he took a class in college and the professor covered a 30 year history of the world. This segment of the podcast was playing through in my dream as though it was the documentary playing in the movie theater. The super interesting part is that I was “watching” the documentary in my dream so my brain was filling in the imagery to the podcast. Of course the imagery did not make any sense. It showed a college campus from an aerial view and it was doing a sped up transition of the landscape through time. This included, for some reason, a glacier passing through... At this point I woke up and realized that the documentary I was watching in my dream was in fact playing out loud from a podcast.

AI generated interpretation Interpretation: This dream could be interpreted as a reflection of your own aspirations to learn and gain knowledge. The imagery of trying to sneak into a building surrounded by an electrical fence could represent the obstacles one must overcome in order to access the knowledge they seek. The transition to being in a movie theater watching a documentary could represent your subconscious desire to take in information from a reliable source. The imagery of the college campus and the glacier passing through could represent the idea that knowledge is ever-shifting and constantly evolving.