Ghost of my maternal grandmother

Date: 9/29/2019

By pinkstar16121

I was at what was one of my mom's cousin's house who doesn't exist irl. Irl all my mom's aunts and uncles are deceased, but in the dream one of her aunts, her cousin's mother was ill and bed ridden. The thing is I thought I was just at some distant relative's house, and I didn't know who they were. But after I found this card with both a check for $12.19 and a $20 bill in it, which I knew was for my sick great-aunt (at the time to me was just some random old lady), I just started crying, thinking about her being ill. She was terminally ill. I felt bad for her daughter having to go through seeing her mother ill and knowing she would die soon. I thought about myself being in that position, having to take care of my terminally ill mother, and that's really what made me start crying. My mother was there with me, but she didn't see me crying. Then suddenly I see this elderly woman walk out, and I thought she was the bed ridden woman, but I found out it was the ghost of my grandmother who seemed to have aged in death to the age she'd be today if she were alive. She died in her late 40's when my mom was about 16. She didn't look like my grandmother would though, but her ghost was the one who told me that that woman who was sick was her sister. She said she had rabies, which caught me off guard because I thought she had something more traditional for an elderly person to die of like cancer. I don't remember what else she said, but I remember she was providing some comic relief. She or my mom said I get my sense of humor from her, which I don't get now. I don't make people laugh. She left then. I told my mom I like her. For some reason then, I stole the card when we got in the car and left. It was dark out, and it was really cold. My mom had to stop somewhere, and she, thankfully left the heat on for me, although at first I thought I was going to go in with her, but I realized it was too icy out. It was clearly winter. Next part: I remember watching this show about unsolved mysteries. I felt like I was in the show with the guy. I don't know what we were trying to solve, but there was this kind of dish or round object with this liquid and some solid objects inside. We were trying to figure out what was in the liquid. I stupidly thought we would just dip our finger in and taste it! I imagined it tasting sweet. But the guy who I think at one point became my dad, said we should extract some of the water with this special suction tube and test its contents. As I watched/participated I was really enjoying the show and made note to watch more episodes. At one point, the channel switched to my oblivion to this weird Disney Channel network. It was on commercials, and I thought it was just commercials for the mystery show although it was out of place. I saw this kid friendly commercial for Ariana's new perfume. It came in a pack with these little toys, and it was only $10.10. I was shocked and felt like I found a deal on Mercari or something, but it was on TV so that was the real price. I was so excited. I could smell it through the screen, though I haven't smelled it yet. I've heard it smells a bit like coconut, so that's what I smelled. The channel then turned to this weird show with a tiny Cinderella and her fairy godmother. I thought it was just another commercial, but when it kept going on, I realized the channel had gotten switched to Disney Channel. There was one point in the dream where my dad fell asleep on my couch. I had been trying to play with him. Apparently my inner child came out a bit in this dream. The last part I clearly remember is I was assigned this bidding activity for work. It involved doing this equation with E=MC2 and drawing. I was helped with the first one on hair, like wigs. They did the equation, which I didn't understand, then drew wigs and these little people wearing wigs. I tried to do one with supervision. I forget what it was and what I was trying to draw, but I struggled with that plus the equation. I was getting anxiety because I didn't know what I was doing, and I was gonna have to do this on my own. There was also a part with my Spanish teacher who was trying to draw something for everyone to guess. We couldn't get it, but he said it was a cowboy hat. When I looked at it, it was so obvious. It was perfectly round and looked almost 3-D. The drawing was on top of my washing machine for some reason. I think the drawing might have come from the fact that I was watching kids draw all afternoon yesterday at this event where I helped run a table. I also watched Rhett and Link play Scribble Head. The last thing I drew wasn't even about bidding. The theme was "crazy," and i had to draw all these people going crazy. I was focused on drawing wide eyes. Soon, I gave up on that though, and I was suddenly at this indoor pool with a bunch of people. One guy in a tux had jumped in, and I called him crazy. I told him he was crazy, jokingly. I didn't mean like actually mentally ill. Upon closer inspection I saw he wasn't wearing a tux though and was just wearing this jacket. I still thought he was crazy though because he jumped in with all his clothes on. The last part I saw my mom and we were waiting for my brother and sister, so we could go home. They were both in the bathroom. My sister came out, but my brother was taking forever. My mom got concerned and called out to him. He answered. I don't remember anything else.