Digital art, The teenage girl in the blue and white nun dress respectfully bows her head and says, 'Thank you for protecting me - thank you for keeping me from the Pearce's.'

Protect the Baby

Date: 4/10/2019

By MsBananaNanner

I was delusional, just clutching my baby to my chest. I refused to let go, but I couldn’t manage to get up or say anything coherent. I just kept mumbling to myself. Everyone else was meeting up in another room but I don’t follow. I stay curled up on my shelf (in a closet maybe?) with my baby. This guy comes over to see why I’m not joining them. He’s my husband or boyfriend or fiancé or something. Anyway, he tries to ask me what I’m doing but I just keep muttering nonsense over and over and staring at the floor without blinking. He says he thinks I’m sick and that he’ll go put the baby down. I freak out and start screaming at him, gripping this baby for dear life and protecting it with my body. He calls some other people over and they try to help me down from the shelf. I just keep babbling about a carnival or something. In my head I just keep seeing a picture of this really old newspaper/flyer that has an image of a Ferris wheel under construction on the front. Whatever the headline phrase is, I just keep repeating it over and over and over—but I think in some other language. Everyone is still trying to get my baby away from me because I’m obviously delirious and feverish. I scream that I will never let them take her but then I feel myself passing out. My eyes roll back as I sink to the floor. Someone takes my baby and I can’t move my arms to stop them. My husband dude catches me so that I don’t smack into the ground so hard. I look up at him but I just keep seeing the words of the old newspaper swirling through my vision. “Pierce, pierce, pierce!” I say, repeating the last word of the headline. It’s like I’ve had a revelation. I’m clawing at his shirt, wild eyed, just repeating the word pierce. “Yes, our last name is Pearce. You need to be quiet, you need to rest.” I shake my head furiously. There are other visions clouding my vision now, they’re almost like memories except I know I haven’t lived through them before. My husband working on constructing a Ferris wheel—same as the one in the newspaper. The whole town talking about how great it will be, how many people will visit and how much money the town will make. He says he just wants to make people happy. “We shall be the ones to pierce their hearts!” I say frantically, as though suddenly everything made sense. As soon as the words left my lips I realized I’d gotten it all wrong. One more vision flashed through my mind. The Ferris wheel, nearing completion, has a catastrophic accident and crashes to the ground. A few people are injured but only one dies. It collapses right onto my husband, and a metal bar impales him right through the chest. I start crying profusely, sobbing even though I don’t understand any of it. I feel myself being pulled forcefully into unconsciousness. ... I wake up with a start, sitting immediately straight up. It’s dark out, most everyone is asleep. It’s the same living room I’d passed out in. “Where am I.” I ask flatly to the woman across from me. She tells me it’s fine, to go back to sleep. She thinks I’m delirious. “How did I get here. Who am I?” I’m mentally present, but I’m unsettled that I don’t know the answer to any of these questions. The woman starts to realize that I’m not crazy like before. She says she’ll go get Mr. Pearce. As she walks out of the room I run the other way into the bedroom where my baby is sleeping in her crib. She’s the one thing I remember, even if I don’t know her name or how I ever ended up with a baby to begin with. She stays sleeping when I pick her up and put wrap her inside my jacket against my chest. I hear the woman coming back with someone, so I hurry to the window and crawl out onto the rain wet streets. Everything is so confusing. Out here, everything is so modern, many many many decades newer than everything before. I sprint out and across to the other sidewalk. I can hear someone coming after me, because a coat zipper or something is jingling with every step. It motivates me to run faster. A couple hundred feet down the road I finally turned to see who the source of jingling was but it was a dog, and his collar was jingling. I kid you not it smiled at me, nodded it’s head and then stopped running after me. I don’t remember where exactly I ran to, but eventually I dropped my baby off somewhere that I apparently knew was safe, and then I snuck back to the house. For whatever reason I could run along walls, kind of like Spider-Man. I went up a side wall, and circled around the back, up by the gutters. Next to a window, 3 receipts were taped to the wall. I picked them off, then started sprinting down the street again. I could tell it was me doing these things but I also didn’t know why or how I knew any of these things were there. I wasn’t in control of my actions. I ran about half the distance that I did with the baby, then turned into a small walkway and through a white door. The hallways was quite narrow and I climbed a flight of old squeaky stairs. At the top was an older lady and a younger teenage girl both dressed in blue and white nun dresses. They both smiled very warmly and welcomed me in. I handed the older woman the receipts because it felt right. She thanked me for retrieving them, then thanked me for saving her daughter. She looked to the younger girl as she said it. “You saved my baby when I could not. Without you, she wouldn’t be here with me today.” The girl nodded in agreement and curtsied politely. “Thank you for protecting me. Thank you for keeping me from the Pearce’s.”

AI generated interpretation Analysis: This dream appears to be about protecting something or someone important to you. The dreamer's baby is a symbol of something that they may be emotionally attached to or feel they need to protect. The dreamer is clinging to the baby and trying to protect it from being taken away. This could represent a feeling of insecurity over a relationship, a situation, or something else in the dreamer's life. The newspaper/flyer in the dream may symbolize the idea that the dreamer is trying to protect something that holds a lot of importance and value to them. The phrase "Pierce, pierce, pierce" in the dream may be a reference to the dreamer's last name, but it could also be interpreted as a warning about being overly protective and not allowing change or progress. The Ferris wheel accident could represent a fear of disaster or loss as a result of holding on too tightly and not allowing for any change or progress. The older woman and younger girl in the dream may symbolize two different aspects of the dreamer's life, and could be interpreted as a message from the dreamer's subconscious to protect the things that are most important to them.