Siege at the Casino

Date: 11/10/2017

By sabby

We are at the casino and I find an area they are playing bingo. I love It so I start playing. they give US these little paper dots to cover our numbers. I can't hear the announcer very well as they say the numbers, the dots keep slipping off. i get bored and decide to walk around. I walk along this glass hallway. it's beautiful outside. I look and there is president Trump looking up. I then see this huge Brown helicopter hovering. must be his security people I think. I walk on and then notice the building is surrounded and something hits the window. I run back to the casino area and they are telling us we are under attack. The lady sitting next to me says too bad because you were winning. she points out my board and she's put all the dots back. sure enough I had a couple. I've got to go to the restroom really bad so I start looking for It. Before I get there Nicky comes and tells me and the other ladies in line to come this way. Next thing I know I'm in a big bus. Jeff is on it too and Nicky drives US all out of the building. it takes us all awhile before we realize she has saved us.