Deja Vu Dream

Date: 8/2/2019

By Laktoz

I had a dream that I SWEAR I’ve had before, maybe not as a regular dream, but as a regular thought. Anyways, here goes: It starts off introducing this kid (I see through his eyes or a third person view in this dream) who has magic powers that he has trouble controlling. There was this rumor going around town that there’s this “blue creature” who holds people hostage for no real reason (his motives are never revealed). Everyone is advised NOT to go outside. However, as a troublemaker, he decides to go outside. He meets some friends, and he shows them his magic (mostly to show off). However, sparks keep coming out of his hands, drawing attention to himself. Before I go on, it’s important to mention that this kid had a mentor, a penguin with fire powers (most of the characters in the story are animals). Anyways, the “blue creature” saw the kid’s magic, and kidnapped him along with his friends. I can’t really describe this blue creature, as my brain wasn’t even really sure how to make his appearance. The best I can describe him is that he’s kind of like a blue Bill Cipher. He took us back to his “prison” of sorts, which was more like a white train with 3 walls to each cart. We were handcuffed and trapped there. We quickly discovered that this guy was pretty nice (kind of), and he just trapped people to toy around with because he found it funny. We also quickly discovered that he had two forms: usually he was just a glowing white, but, sometimes, he was completely blue; in the blue form, he could control people as he wished. That’s how he managed to kidnap them. That’s also how he kept us from running off, and, for some reason, I remember vividly that he made us take snow and throw it in our faces because he thought it was funny (yeah, it was pretty funny). Sometimes, the train would even start up; we went through this dark tunnel, and he made me flip on a light switch to reveal a really beautiful jungle; he definitely wasn’t the meanest person in the world. After all of this, I think we set the prisoners free, but the details are kinda hazy. Anyhow, I just remember that the penguin mentor guy found us, and was trying to save us. However, the “blue creature” just wanted to fight me, so I did. I made sure that my friends were watching just in case I got in some serious trouble. One thing that I thought was pretty funny: he actually agreed to a fair fight; he really wasn’t all that mean! During the whole fight, he kept mocking me for wanting to save the penguin guy, and I may or may not have started crying. Anyways, he made the room spin around, I made some sarcastic comment, the floor turned to ice, and the REAL boss battle began. He traps the fire penguin under the ice, and my goal was to save him. We started off playing this soccer-esq. game, which I won easily, and advanced to a full-on magic-against-magic battle. Everything was going pretty good, until he started using his blue control powers to win. My friends saw and stepped in, and we won the battle. At least, we THOUGHT we did, until we saw even more people who the “blue creature” had kidnapped, trapped in the ice. Then the dream ended. I honestly would not be disappointed if this was made into a movie.