Plane on conveyor, long journey, bird

Date: 9/17/2017

By soulatman

I'm on a plane, flying somewhere. As I look out the window, I can see tree tops. Fir trees. They aren't moving. I worry we are about to fall out of the sky. The plane makes a dropping motion, but it quickly becomes clear, it is attached to a track, on a conveyor. The conveyor sweeps us along, up the side of a building and the down again like a roller coaster. I next find my self in a long walk. Like a walk between terminals. I am walking with a school group of uniformed children. We are going through a changing room, and then out into a grand a long hall. There are a couple of children with what seem to be a canoe. I walk ahead, and lose the crowds. There is now an official looking black man with me. Maybe a security guard or airport official. Gravity seems reduced,and I start taking long leaps which feel fun and liberating. Feels like moon gravity. The ground has turned to a light gravel colour. It is getting hilly and uneven. I see a steep section, a small peak with steep sides. On top is a birds nest. The official climbs up. I do not follow. I see a giant egg half open, with white and yolk. It looks tasty. I notice all around the edge there is egg shell which has been attached to something, making the sharp edges face out. The shell pieces seem to be at eye height, and therefore likely to damage my eyes if I try to climb up. I see a large clawed birds foot scratching out under the shell fence around it's nest. I back off.