Off brand Crystal light

Date: 5/1/2024

By ModelLaDawn

I was supposed to meet with Suz in her Forrest house next to the large house to watch a movie. Apparently Grandma Gerry was in California with me as well. I was looking for a cup in the kitchen with a lid and straw to pour a powder packets of different flavors in and most likely combine with vodka. I ended up leaving to go somewhere in LA. Mom and Morgan (possibly Marissa?) were staying at some shitty hotel where they replaced the lamp and microwave but left the old ones in the room. There were three other beds in the room almost dorm style with tables in between with clear and dark mini bottles of alcohol (I was tempted to take them until a worker came in). I informed her of the old appliances in the room my family was staying in. She removed them and we were offered a free charcuterie tray to stay. Apparently they thought we were special. A lady wanted a piece of something and a bunch of kids as well. I told her to take a piece but the kids had to go. There was only a few pieces of cheese and whatever the hell else. I feel like Morgan and Marissa needed a break from their daily lives. On the way back I ended up in a car with Tori Conley. She took a wrong turn and thought the cops were chasing her. I told her to pull over but eventually the cop passed. I got out with a briefcase. Walked down the street to see some old basketball girls from LBL. They were waiting on a 55 miles race. The sidewalks were lined up. I told them I hurt my hip running a marathon and couldn’t imagine doing 55. I ended back at Suz and Troy’s completely forgetting I was supposed to watch a movie with Suz. I didn’t bring it up because she was in a good mood and wanted to check my breast for cancer. We go in her room to do a thorough check and she is on Snapchat trying to get me to dance. I go with it. Before I could lay down Troy comes in frustrated. Says he had the hardest day of his life. My grandma Gerry has dementia or Alzheimer’s or something crazy and he had to deal with it all day. She disappeared. I asked why he didn’t call me. That’s what I’m here for. They both end up being upset and tell me that my dad isn’t helping anymore and i need to get a job. I apologized to Suz for missing our movie. I had a last minute event with the basketball girls. I apologized profusely to Troy. The shift was wild. I couldn’t speak. I was thinking about buying plane tickets to go back home. Would grampa help buy hers? Did I put vodka in the cup that morning with the powder packets?

AI generated interpretation Your dream seems to be a complex and vivid compilation of various elements, people, and scenarios. Let's break down some key symbols and themes: 1. **Off brand Crystal light**: This could symbolize a sense of dissatisfaction or feeling of lack in your waking life. It may suggest that you feel something is not quite right or that something is not meeting your expectations. 2. **Forrest house and large house**: Meeting with Suz in a forest house and the presence of different houses throughout the dream could represent different aspects of yourself or different facets of your life. The forest house may symbolize a sense of connection to nature or a desire for solitude and retreat, while the large house could symbolize ambition or the desire for success. 3. **Family members like Grandma Gerry, Mom, and Morgan**: The presence of different family members in your dream, especially Grand Gerry with dementia or Alzheimer's, may indicate unresolved issues or concerns related to family dynamics, caregiving responsibilities, or aging loved ones. 4. **Alcohol and temptations**: The presence of alcohol, the temptation to combine it with powder packets, and the desire to take mini bottles from the hotel room may suggest an inner conflict or struggle with self-control and indulgence in your waking life. 5. **Missed connections and responsibilities**: Throughout the dream, there are several instances of missed connections, forgotten plans, and unmet responsibilities. This could reflect feelings of guilt, anxiety, or overwhelm related to not being able to fulfill obligations or meet expectations. 6. **Advice and guidance**: Your interactions with different characters in the dream, like telling Tori to pull over and guiding others, may symbolize your role as a helper or problem-solver in your waking life. However, the frustration expressed by Troy about dealing with your Grandma Gerry's condition and the pressure to get a job may reflect your own inner conflicts or feelings of inadequacy in helping others or meeting expectations. Overall, your dream appears to be a reflection of internal conflicts, unresolved emotions, and a sense of confusion or overwhelm in your waking life. It may be beneficial to reflect on the different symbols and themes presented in the dream to gain insight into your current emotional state, subconscious desires, and areas of your life that may need attention or resolution.