Twenty one pilots

Date: 3/9/2017

By rachel5458

I had a dream last night where I was at a normal top concert and afterwards they announced that there were 2 pieces of blue confetti and anyone who found them, got to meet josh and tyler after the show. Well a girl found both pieces and gave one of them to me. The confetti somehow turned into a blue ring so I had to show security my blue ring so I could meet them. Well I got into the meet and greet room and it was only josh, we talked for a while then he left to go do something. I left too but I went out the wrong door and went down the steps onto a boat (their private boat) and amy was down there and she was trying to fix something she messed up and I just kinda sat back and watched her but then the boat caught on fire and I ran back up to the main deck boat thing and I found josh in the shower with like 4 other people and he saw me and got out of the shower and put a towel on and he was like "what are you doing here??" And I said "well I kinda got lost so I don't know where I am right now, I'm really sorry" then he told me that I could go sit on his boat for a while (the one that he didn't know I was already on and amy caught on fire) so we were driving around trying to find the boat and he thought that it just drifted away, but then we found jack barackat trying to pull the boat out of the water and josh didn't really seem to care so then we just drove around and talked. I remember us talking about how him wanting to see Tyler's Perspective on life and he likes to stand next to tyler and feel like he is the same height. He was talking about how one night in bed he just started caressing Tyler's legs so he could feel him. The next thing I remember is that me,josh, and my dad were in the meet and greet room again and we were waiting for tyler to show up. Well he showed up and we were mainly just trying to get pictures and when I was going through the pictures I realized there was only one decent picture of all of us and what I realized was, josh was my height. Josh was 5'4. And tyler was so tall that he wasn't even in the picture, it was just his shoulders and that made me kinda sad but oh well.