the wild animal attack

Date: 9/19/2019

By livtina

I had a dream that I was in this big animal place, like an indoor zoo that had the interior of what seemed like a cool, kind of dark museum. It wasn’t even that big. There were so many animals, but what I saw the most were big dogs, probably close to wolves, cheetahs, wild cats, and these monkeys with pretty eyes. I was honestly really scared of them, but they didn’t seem to want to bite me. There was this little kid with a real big smart mouth, and I slightly recall him being a bit of a jerk and bothering young teens who were older than him. It was like child’s play. I remember this one boy going, “Do you know what nunya means? None of your business.” The kid was furious. He said something like, “Shut up!” Then, after a small hesitation, a fight broke out. I didn’t stick around to watch. I figured I’d leave it to them and just not interfere, especially since there were others present. I remember BTS being there and hanging out... and I do specifically remember Jimin. He had bright, beautiful pink hair. I might’ve interacted with them, but I forgot. Why? Hah. Yeah, something happened that kind of overpowered that memory. I was not happy in this dream and I just do not remember why. I was so grumpy. The whole dream. I remember being confronted by someone in this one brighter room... about something that made me wildly uncomfortable. I think it was about school. I was asked something. It irritated me, so I avoided answering, and the person looked down upon me for it. I also remember a random teacher being in the zoo with these kids. Maybe they were on a field trip. Whatever, I guess. Anyway... here’s the cool, pretty dope part that I’m especially fond of. Ha.. ha.. I kept hanging out in this animal cage with pillows in it, going out occasionally to explore the place but then going back in. It was small. It was arduous to fit inside it height-wise, but there was enough room to cram in a few more animals. I was scared of them, sure, but I didn’t know they had the guts to actually do something. I guess I was pretty self entitled or something, like I was just untouchable and impossible to even be approached. An exception to all other disasters people have gone through at places like that. There was this one wild cat/cheetah thing that was reaaalllll mad. He had a temper since the beginning, but this was intense. All I did was go back inside the cage, probably to feel safe and just be away from all the action. The cage was kind of high up. This cheetah comes to the opening of the cage, the cage that didn’t have a door or lock, and starts seething at the teeth. I was terrified. A monkey even tried to come in, and also looked kind of angry... but not as angry as the cheetah cat thing. I tried to be calm and gentle, and say things like, “Go away... it’s okay... shhh... go...” Didn’t work. I sure loved life when I realized it wasn’t ever going to. There were pillows inside the cage for some reason. I took advantage of that. I took one of the biggest pillows and tried to block the opening. The cheetah got even angrier, and began to come closer. Then, it pushed against the pillow with strength that was totally unexpected and even more scary to me, and entered! I was so surprised. I think me trying to block him away is what infuriated and triggered him. Well, what a treat it was to have that raging animal come flying at me and bite me on my right wrist. I remember preparing myself for the pain, even for death. I closed my eyes, felt the teeth sinking into my skin, then woke up. This was the first dream I’ve ever had where I have actually seen myself getting bitten. Usually, my dreams stop right before things hurt me, which is probably why I somehow convinced myself at one point that none of this would happen. I woke up, anxious, and the stinging on my wrist remained even while I was awake. The pain faded away after a second or two though. I’m still in slight shock that I actually got bitten and saw it happen. Never do I want to see that cursed cheetah again, nor do I want to ever see any of those animals again. That was just petrifying. The look in that cheetah’s eyes disturbed me to the core, especially just before it attacked me. It was making direct eye contact with me. Sheesh. Ouch. I guess that’s just the end of it then. My God... whatever. It was a dream, and that’s the reality of it all. That was pretty much... it. .: translation :. To see a zoo in one's dream is associated with a loss of feeling free in waking life. The zoo is representative of people not giving you credit for efforts. This is associated with the "cages" found in the zoo. It can symbolize that you feel caged in, not able to see what is in front of you. The zoo symbol suggests that it is now a great time for relationships and to solve family problems. To see monkeys in the zoo can mean that one needs to take a break. It is a time that you are feeling vulnerable. To see a small zoo suggests that you may feel stress and anxiety. To dream of wild dogs indicates that your emotions or feelings have been challenged. The wolf in dreams can indicate that you feel “included” in life as the wolves are clever and know how to survive and work together in packs. This is a majestic animal that can appear in our dreams with a key message: you can rely on others. Wolves communicate through grunting and howling and the wolf is part of the canine family. To dream of a wolf can indicate you have the durability to progress in life. In my research wolves collectively demonstrate the following meaning in dreams: exclusion, communication, drawing attention to aggressive people in your life, reflections on your own behavior, protection and finally teamwork to destroy. Seeing multiple wolves in your dream suggest great damage. Spiritually, the wolf is connected to leading others on a journey and represents balance. The wolf brings with it an instant feeling of “connection with others” and that personal issues will be solved. When seen in dreams it could be a reflection of ancient wisdom and you will learn this through your family or close friends. This dream can also denote that you need to be protected and loved in life. The gray wolf's lives in forests and this is the largest member of the canine family. The gray wolf normally hunts in a pack of eight and can include the cubs. Common in North America this wolf in dreams indicate that you need to think about your bad habitats and you feel removed. Gray as a spiritual color represents being detached from others. As the general meaning of a wolf dream indicates “communication” and being in a group the gray wolf can signify that you will need to compromise with your family. Cheetahs get tired easily, they are fast but not good for long distance, their body can’t keep up with their speed. This represents that we must learn to relax after experiencing stress and fatigue. We must never over-do things or over-use our energies. Cheetah also possesses the commendable ability to feel and react swiftly to the harm of others. Cheetah also represents the struggle and the pain we have to take before achieving success. Cheetah has agility and concentration, friendship, ambiguity, ability to be attentive on something for a short time, speed, confidence, and sharp eye. The cheetah is also teaching us to pay attention to our ambition and achieve it swiftly. When we feel like we’re being dragged in the corner, its power can lend us alertness. If we are living this life fast but with a little sense of direction, it can help us to set our eyes on our aspirations, focus, and to search the best way of attaining them. There are times that we should carefully plan our steps in reaching our goal. But some times it is needed to adapt and grab every opportunity that comes our way. But the best thing to do executing our plans fast with a high sense of concentration and keenness. When a time comes that you feel like victory is at hand but you lack the spirit a cheetah’s power is extremely important. The cheetah is teaching us that there are two paths to the way of success, one is to carefully plan your execution and the other is to act fast. A rigorous work should go along with rest and meditation. Cheetah shows up as a spirit guide when... You need to be very elusive. You need to focus intently on something for a short period of time. You need to act fast when needed. You need to have a keen eye on situations. You need to work on your self esteem. Animals signify a psychological urge within your life. To see a scary animal featured in your dream means that you are going to have difficulty in a relationship in everyday life. To see an aggressive animal signifies an unprovoked attack. For the animal to attack you means that you need to destroy the negative energy around you. Strange or scary animals are connected with fears and doubts in your life. Sometimes you find it hard to cope with difficult times. A monkey featured in your dream signifies oppression. The dream is probably representational of a partnership in waking life. It is important to follow your own instincts and also mind, which usually produces feelings of being independent. This dream indicates that you need to remove discord within your life. The monkey may symbolize a particular area of interest in regards to a work situation, and suggests that you sometimes jump from one thing to another, without actual making a decision or focusing on one task. Because of our own encounters of monkeys this dream may also signify that it is time for a new start. The actual monkey may also at times illustrate the primal pet that is associated with self awareness. Therefore, it can indicate the particular difficulty in realizing that you are in the wrong as well as problems underlying your current personality. Animal tendencies are present in all of us and the monkey can indicate being disobedient in waking life. Sometimes we see this in social structures, spiritual and also political groups, or even two countries fighting with each another. It is therefore, occasionally exactly like Monkey. A monkey dream is a nightmare. The Western tradition explained the dream as meaning hostility from others and spiritual problems, doubts and suspicions, especially from the people you work with. Dreaming of any violent action - such as kicking, punching, pulling hair, stabbing, murdering, or slapping another person suggests that you need to make decisions. This dream generally tells that you are fighting with something in your mind which needs to be fully understood. Only you can make the required decision in order to make yourself feel better. It also shows that you need to think outside the box. What is your life achievement? Have you completed it yet? This dream demonstrates that you are struggling in some way to express yourself to others. You must interpret the message with all the other factors included. Dreaming of anger means that currently you are experiencing some type of threat, and that this dream reflects your feeling of denying yourself something important to you. If in the dream there is more than one aggressive person, you need to make sure you express yourself to the right people in the right way. Throughout society anger is not acceptable, and in the dream world this remains the case. Think about how anger was represented in your dream. It could be a man driving a fast car, a fire, or even an aggressive animal. Whatever external element reflected the anger, this dream symbolizes the importance of being able to control this anger preventing you to enjoy your life. Look inside through meditation for the answers. Seeing an argument often means that you are reluctant as well as not willing to deal with conflict. You feel trapped into making a decision. Being confronted by someone can mean: You're afraid of being confronted about something You feel accused somehow in real life You feel that someone is suspicious of you You feel defensive, or the need to be defensive, in some way You feel guilty about something A teacher in your dream is a subconscious message to the inner child. It may be a message about a situation that you are going to face. It is important to consider possible advice or guidance. There is a future situation that can be either optimistic or pessimistic. If you dream a teacher is laughing with students: this means one should expect good health and a better life. Dreams about cages communicate our biggest fears and anxieties, and the way we bottle up our feelings. If there is a cage in your dream, something is being imprisoned, hidden, or suppressed in real life. If you are in the cage yourself, and you do not escape at any point in the dream, this could mean several things. You may be lying to yourself or others or not completely communicating feelings. You might be afraid of someone or something so you are hiding yourself from the outside world (especially if you entered the cage willingly). Is there something you are keeping from the people close to you? Is there a secret from your past that has been on your mind? You may need to talk to a family member or a counselor. The pillow is a symbol of rest, sleep, softness, release from stress, but also it can be something that is connected to love, as two lovers sleep on the pillow, it is their shelter. These everyday objects are connected to the partnership, rest from concern, patience or maintenance, and as a rule have a positive meaning when translated to our daily lives. Of course, they can be a bad symbol, but only if the conditions of a dream are such that they imply something “bad”. You need to find the reasons what in reality is making you feel uncomfortable and even more important what is that you have done that you have your conscience is burning you so bad. What are those acts you commit has been seriously bothering or suffering very much? When you give yourself the answer to these questions, then you will be able to know why you have dreamed pillows. It is a maybe a good idea to find out what is happiness for others, and that although a situation will bring you pain and suffering, you need to be determined to find what is that that is very important to you and valuable in their lives. So, in real life – pillows are associated with beautiful dreams, but in general, it can also symbolically imply both a quiet duty, all depending on other things that appear in a dream. In the majority of cases, dreams of pillow do not bring something that is overly dramatic, but they are definitely connected to some form of worry, and in this sense, you are having them because you need to find your peace. The basic interpretation of being bitten is associated with violence. This dream implies that it is important to put any negative feeling in the past. The key message of this dream is that sometimes you are unable to and accept other people actions in regard to work situations - the message is that you need to relax more. To suffer a bite is also positive omen. If your dream involves being bitten by an animal then this is associated with protection, someone needs to protect you now. Animal bites occur when a creature feels endangered and attacks out of fear for its life. Thus, biting in a dream may be a symbol of scared feelings. Defence or territoriality is something else that is articulated when biting another. Do you feel any attack from others in your life? Does someone in your waking life need protection? To dream that you are afraid indicates you are feeling anger in waking life. This could be due to a lack of control over a situation. To dream of being afraid according to Carl Jung indicates that you have feelings of being sexually attracted to someone. Emotions in dreams can be very strong, and you need to look at what made you feel afraid in your dream. In our day to day living our feelings are sometimes hidden and if you are afraid in real life (but not realize) this can magnify in the dream state. A dream that involves a tense feeling like fear and feeling “afraid” can mean that you are not confident about yourself and often have self-doubts that can affect your relationship with people and damage your physical and mental health. Feeling scared or afraid in your dream is always a negative dream, however, keep in mind that by dreaming of feeling afraid means that it is a warning - the dream is trying to tell you to be careful when it comes to your own safety or health. It could also imply that you’re having inner battles with yourself and you’re questioning your values and future goals. Being afraid of a change can also cause a dream of feeling afraid. however, you can overcome fear by facing the changes you want to make and be confident that you will feel better once you make changes in your life. You were afraid of being killed in the dream: It implies that you are afraid of living your life the way you want. You care too much about other people’s opinions of you. 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐈 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝: 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫, 𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫, 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟, 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 .: end of translation :.