TC by the beach

Date: 6/13/2018

By Moonstar

I am at a very luxurious hotel by the seashore. Everything in the hotel is gold and ivory. There are a lot of other people there for the conference. TC is talking. After the talk I am sent to get something and I am so clumsy I can’t get the item (can’t remember what it was). I notice that TC is following me and making fun of me in a flirty way. I continue to walk through the hotel and he follows me. Whenever I am going to open the door of a room someone that knows me or TC appears and talks to us or invites us for a drink. I finally get into the room and he follows me in. But there is a person in a grey bag in the room. He is a cleaning guy and says he is there just in case. He leaves. TC tells me with his great, deep voice “I understand if you want me to leave”. I look at him and say “You don’t know me, you have to stay”. We both get into bed respectfully dressed in our pajamas and start talking about physics. My sister in law comes into the room and I say hello to her and she leaves. I tell TC “see what happens to me?”. TC laughs and says that he can always leave but does not move. I tell him again “You don’t know me, you are not going anywhere”. Dream ends as we start undressing. Interestingly enough I loose a tooth as I am undressing in the dream. I look at myself in the mirror and it is not noticeable.