zombies, a terrifying dream.

Date: 10/3/2016

By lithiom

It starts off a couple of people i new to be dead drove into our drive way in cars for some reason, their eyes were missing and their faces were sunk in. Then i said "when there's no more room in hell the dead walk." A quote from That movie. So me and my grandparents try and get to my old school but she sees someone she knows that has been long dead and gets out to meet them, right when she touches their hand she becomes dead to then i to become dead. We all go to this house and the dead people are trying to persuade the living to join them, if they say no they kill them. I watch in horror as this happens then I look outside to what I think is more zombies but I think they were somethings else. One tells me to close my eyes and it start ripping my organs out, I can't feel it but I can feel pressure. Then I wake up.